Is it possible to join the Catholic church alone? I was reading on other forums of people discussing sponsors, which I do not have. Also, after a person goes through that process and then moves, how does that Catholic approach another church near their new home? Are there any special procedures for that or none at all?
don’t worry about finding a sponsor, the parish will provide one. Are you speaking of true RCIA, for the unbaptized, or of completed initiation (confirmation and first communion) for baptized Christians seeking full communion with the Catholic Church? The unbaptized really do need to be in RCIA, because the process involves more than a class and study, there is a real conversion process that must be discerned, and the rites along the way contribute to this entire process, which is one of being integrated into the community.
For someone essentially uncatechized, and I include adult unconfirmed Catholics in this category, they also will benefit from going through this process, although they do not celebrate the same rites as the unbaptized.
A baptized adult who has been living a good Christian life, reading scripture, praying and with a good formation in basic Christian doctrine is coming from a different place and may need only minimal instruction in Catholic doctrine and practice, and help with specific issues. Such a person is a great asset to the RCIA process and can even be somewhat of a mentor to others in the class, but should not be required to go through the same process for the same length of time. Here is where the judgement of the pastor and RCIA team, in getting to know the individual, is so important.
If you should move before completing your initiation, please ask for a letter from your pastor stating “where you are” in the process, so you can join RCIA in your new parish without having to go back to square one. For instance we had a retiree, who was completely prepared for the sacraments in his Minnesota parish, but his non-Catholic wife had not yet received an annulment. They both assisted with hospitality for our program for his first year of waiting, and he joined us for Breaking Open the Word, and made a wonderful contribution there. When they were able to have their marriage blessed, he was confirmed and made first communion right away, with the Bishop’s assistance and approval. His wife has since joined RCIA largely, she says, because she felt so at home in our group.
If you have already received the sacraments, and then move, simply register with your new parish. If there are several Catholic churches in the area, visit each one for several Masses, and find your new home. If their practices seem at odds with what you have learned, ask the pastor to explain. If you join a parish outside your immediate geographic area you usually must register. at that time you give the dates of sacraments received for all those in the family, enroll children in CCD etc.
Please for your own sake become active in parish life immediately, perhaps by volunteering as an aide in CCD, or at the parish school. then look for a prayer group, bible study or other way you can continue your formation in a supportive group of active Catholics. You may even volunteer for the RCIA process in some capacity. It is essential for new Catholics to become involved in parish life, and to have a source of support and answers when confusions, doubts and questions arise. If they have adult education classes, by all means take advantage of them. If what you are learning seems heretical, buttonhole the pastor and find out. If they are teaching garbage, change parishes.