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I just started the RCIA program and I am curious what are the fundamental differences between the Catholic faith and Protestant faiths.
That is not easy to answer, because, depending on who is doing the counting, there are about 25,000 to 32,000 denominations. They will generally subdivide to something of an approachable series of divisions, but is is still a daunting task.

It might be easier if you asked the question of "what are the differences betwwen the Catholic Church and the… Church.

Subdivisions with in a branch can become important at times, as one branch may hold one thing and another branch reject that. As an example, one branch of the Lutheran Church recently signed an accord with the Catholic Church concerning the issue of justification; the Missouri Lutherna synod would have nothing to do with that accord.
The sacraments, the Eucharist and as stated there are so many. There is so much beauty in the Catholic Church. But to me the most important difference is the Consecration of the Mass.

Congratulations on your decision to become Catholic and welcome home…🙂
Fundamental differences?
  1. Catholicism recognizes Apostlic Tradition as a source of truth, whereas Protestants recognize only scripture. (It would be more correct to say that Catholics consider Apostolic Tradition handed down from Christ to the Apostles to the Church to be the source of both Scripture and Tradition.)
  2. Faith vs Works. Catholics believe we are saved by Grace freely given enabling us to have both Faith and works. In the Protestant tradition, works are essentially worthless.
  3. Sacraments: Catholics believe in 7 Sacraments handed down by Christ to the Church as means of Grace. Most protestant churches recognize perhaps only two, and may consider them to be merely symbolic rather than effective.
I just started the RCIA program and I am curious what are the fundamental differences between the Catholic faith and Protestant faiths.
Others have pointed out some differences, and I would like to point out that Protestants believe in “Sola Scriptura” - (Bible alone), and Catholics believe in Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, and the God-given authority of the Church. (Magisterium).

I like to refer to the Catholic belief as a “three-legged stool”, in comparison with the Protestant belief of Sola Scriptura.
It seems to me that the belief in Sola Scriptura is the biggest difference, not to undermine the importance of Sacraments, and some of the other differences. Once the Reform movement generated groups that believed in only the Bible, and once the authority for interpretation of the Bible was not in the hands of one entity (Magisterium of the Church), but anyone (first scholars, than anyone), it left things wide open for anyone to create a church based on their beliefs. Today, you can likely find a group that disputes almost any significant teaching of the Church.
It seems to me that the belief in Sola Scriptura is the biggest difference, not to undermine the importance of Sacraments, and some of the other differences. Once the Reform movement generated groups that believed in only the Bible, and once the authority for interpretation of the Bible was not in the hands of one entity (Magisterium of the Church), but anyone (first scholars, than anyone), it left things wide open for anyone to create a church based on their beliefs. Today, you can likely find a group that disputes almost any significant teaching of the Church.
Sad, but very true.
Excellent advice, thoughts, and direction.

It is interesting to note that one of the families we are closest with belong to a non-denominational Protestant Church. Ironically, our last visit was a little interesting when I began explaining my personal decision to join the Catholic faith, and that I was excited to begin my journey via the RCIA program.

Then the questions began. Friendly enough, but it became a little strained as I began to feel like I needed to go on the defensive since I am new and learning.

Anyway, I am looking forward to my journey.
Others have pointed out some differences, and I would like to point out that Protestants believe in “Sola Scriptura” - (Bible alone), and Catholics believe in Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, and the God-given authority of the Church. (Magisterium).

I like to refer to the Catholic belief as a “three-legged stool”, in comparison with the Protestant belief of Sola Scriptura.
judging by the members of various Protestant denominations who have entered the Catholic Church through RCIA in our parish in the last 12 or so years I have been involved, I would say the biggest difference between what they have learned and what the Catholic Church teaches is on the fundamental view of human nature. Most of them have described their belief in a human nature that is essentially bad, debased, fallen, irredeemable. They believe that the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, which was a one-time historical event that is now finished, alone was enough to save men from their sins and purchase their admittance to heaven, but that his sacrifice covers their sins, but does not completely remove them, and does not render them perfectly innocent and clean.

The Catholic view is that humans are created good, human nature is essentially good, but fallen due to the effects of original sin. The one sacrifice of Jesus Christ, made continually present on earth through the sacramental economy of the Catholic Church, is alone sufficient to redeem mankind and that through the merits of Jesus Christ, in baptism we are reborn in a new creation perfect and innocent, and if we die in that state of grace, are admitted to heaven.

I will add as a side note that many of these candidates from denominations with a strong adherence to “sola scriptura” in fact have drawn their beliefs from a variety of extra-biblical resources and authorities. Many profess it but don’t really follow it.
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