Hello! I am meeting with a mother at our parish who just arrived and her children have been intermittently in CCD through their early elementary years but have not received the sacraments. Maybe First Penance…but not certain. Our DRE is out of town or I’d connect with her first but does anyone know of a resource for assessing what their knowledge base is?
I believe the goal is to tutor them and get them enrolled in CCD this Fall in their respective grade levels. But I want to give them a somewhat ‘diagnostic’ tomorrow so I can plan how much and how fast we can get them up to speed. Should I just have a conversation with them to assess their knowledge? Should I play a Bible game (or similar CCD type game) I’m sure they’re going to be shy and that limits how easily you can tell what they know. Does anyone have any thoughts…any help would be appreciated!
I believe the goal is to tutor them and get them enrolled in CCD this Fall in their respective grade levels. But I want to give them a somewhat ‘diagnostic’ tomorrow so I can plan how much and how fast we can get them up to speed. Should I just have a conversation with them to assess their knowledge? Should I play a Bible game (or similar CCD type game) I’m sure they’re going to be shy and that limits how easily you can tell what they know. Does anyone have any thoughts…any help would be appreciated!