I have been a stayathome mom for five years and just went back to work - parttime - four day per week but I leave in time to pick up my kindergartener when school lets out.
I find myself very out of step with our current culture, probably becaue I also converted to Ctholicism just before my first child was born so I’ve been home with babies and my church family for five years. I am happy about the changes in my viewpoints and about my life in general, thanks to converting. And I like my new job, but I worry that I’m goign to get sucked back into the consumerist culture.
Already, I find that my mind is less on spiritual matters and more on practicalities - like getting my job done, making sure I’m involved in all of the school activities, keep up with laundry and have dinner ready. My husband is a big help but it’s a lot busier. Sometiems I say the rosary on the way to work but sometimes I don’t.
Does anyone have any thoughts on how to keep spirituality at the forefront when life gets so much busier??
I have been a stayathome mom for five years and just went back to work - parttime - four day per week but I leave in time to pick up my kindergartener when school lets out.
I find myself very out of step with our current culture, probably becaue I also converted to Ctholicism just before my first child was born so I’ve been home with babies and my church family for five years. I am happy about the changes in my viewpoints and about my life in general, thanks to converting. And I like my new job, but I worry that I’m goign to get sucked back into the consumerist culture.
Already, I find that my mind is less on spiritual matters and more on practicalities - like getting my job done, making sure I’m involved in all of the school activities, keep up with laundry and have dinner ready. My husband is a big help but it’s a lot busier. Sometiems I say the rosary on the way to work but sometimes I don’t.
Does anyone have any thoughts on how to keep spirituality at the forefront when life gets so much busier??