was this encyclical an infallible document? I believed that it was but i was listening to a tape last night that said it wasn’t
If it was issued ex cathedra, it would be promulgating a new doctrine. However, since it is simply a restatement of already established doctrine, it is simply an infallible statement, because it is a statement based on previously establish infallible pronouncements.OK, can somebody clue me in again as to what the difference is between an ex cathedra teaching and an infallible statement? And if any given statement can be considered infallible, then what’s the purpose of even having an ex cathedra mode?
It would seem to me that if we have a special thing called “ex cathedra” by which the Pope was protected against error, then that same status would not necessarily apply to anything outside that mode. If that’s not the case, and humanae vitae is considered infallible teaching on faith and morals, then why doesn’t the Pope just declare it ex cathedra and be done with it?
I don’t find this all that convincing. The Assumption of Mary was a previously established doctrine which was infallible due to an exercise of the Ordinary and Universal Magisterium, yet it was made unambiguously a formal dogma through an ex cathedra pronouncement.If it was issued ex cathedra, it would be promulgating a new doctrine. However, since it is simply a restatement of already established doctrine, it is simply an infallible statement, because it is a statement based on previously establish infallible pronouncements.
As I understand it, the development of the material part of dogma has concluded with the general revelation of Christ handed on to the Apostles. Since then, it has been a matter of development in formal dogma.2. Development of Dogmas in the Catholic Sense
a) From the material side of dogma, that is, in the communication of the Truths of Revelation to humanity, a substantial growth took place in human history until Revelation reached its apogee and conclusion in Christ (cf. Hebr. I, I).
St. Gregory the Great says: “With the progress of the times the knowledge of the spiritual Fathers increased; for, in the Science of God, Moses was more instructed than Abraham, the Prophets more than Moses, the Apostles more than the Prophets” (in Ezechielem lib. 2, horn. 4, 12).
With Christ and the Apostles General Revelation concluded. (sent. certa.)
(Ludwig Ott, Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, Introduction)
Theologians will argue wether Humanae Vitae belongs to stage 1) or stage 2) in this process. Catholics ought to consider such arguments irrelevant, as we are bound to religious assent of intellect and will to all those teaching is stage 1) anyway (cf. Lumen Gentium, 25)As to the Formal side of dogma, that is, in the knowledge and in the ecclesiastical proposal of Revealed Truth, and consequently also in the public faith of the Church, there is a progress (accidental development of dogmas) which occurs in the following fashion:
- Truths which formerly were only implicitly believed are expressly proposed for belief. (Cf. S. th. I; II, 1, 7 : … There was an increase in the number of articles believed explicitly since to those who lived in later times some were known explicitly, which were not known explicitly by those who lived before them.)
- Material Dogmas are raised to the status of Formal Dogmas.
- To facilitate general understanding, and to avoid misunderstandings and distortions, the ancient truths which were always believed, e.g., the Hypostatic Union (unio hypostatica), Transubstantiation, etc., are formulated in new, sharply defined concepts.
- Questions formerly disputed are explained and decided, and heretical propositions are condemned. Cf. St. Augustine, De civ. Dei 2, 1 ; … (a question moved by an adversary gives an occasion for learning). (Ott, ibid)
mercygate said:*Humanae Vitae *simply (well, not so simply!) restates the age-old teaching of the Church on the regulation of births. As you probably know, it was not until 1930 that ANY Christian body accepted contraception for any reason whatever.
This document, a brilliant encomium on human dignity, bases its teaching in both natural and moral law, neither of which are mutable by the Church. Thus, the teaching is infallible.
I would be very interested in learning why the tape you were listening to indicated that it is not, as I believe this is a commonly held view.
I’m a Kansas engineer, but have often envied lawyers’ ability to make huge sums of money off their eloquence. Does that count?Bah, I can’t decifer that legalistic mubo-jumbo. We need a lawyer to break it down into small words and translate. Anyone volunteer (I am thinking of a self-proclaimed liberal Catholic lawyer from Arkansas).
To my first question, apparently the distinction is highly technical and immaterial to mere mortals such as myself, as statements that are relatively offhand, like wine, improve with age and if they get enough press they automagically become infallible anyway. Apparently the second question is the express lane for something to become infallible.Code:OK, can somebody clue me in again as to what the difference is between an ex cathedra teaching and an infallible statement? And if any given statement can be considered infallible, then what's the purpose of even having an ex cathedra mode?
No matter how you slice it, there’s no room in Catholic teaching for dissent and disobedience to the teachings of Humanae Vitae.we cannot pass over in silence the boldness of those who “not enduring sound doctrine” [II Tim 4:3], contend that “without sin and with no loss of Catholic profession, one can withold assent and obedience to those judgements and decrees of the Apostolic See, whose object is declared to relate to the general good of the Church and it rights and discipline, provided it does not touch dogmas of faith or morals.” There is no one who does not see and understand clearly and openly how** opposed this is to the Catholic dogma of the plenary power divinely bestowed on the Roman Pontiff by Christ the Lord Himself of feeding, ruling, and governing the universal Church.**
(Pius IX, Encyclical *Quanta Cura *(1864), Denzinger 1698)
I was just talking to a priest tonight that said contraception is still being debated among the bishops. This priest seems like he is very knowledgable. He was talking about Humanae vitae and he said that Paul set up a commision of theologians to examine the issue of contraception. This comission said that contraception was OK. He overruled them and said the opposite.was this encyclical an infallible document? I believed that it was but i was listening to a tape last night that said it wasn’t
Dear jimmy,I was just talking to a priest tonight that said contraception is still being debated among the bishops. This priest seems like he is very knowledgable. He was talking about Humanae vitae and he said that Paul set up a commision of theologians to examine the issue of contraception. This comission said that contraception was OK. He overruled them and said the opposite.