I am a public high school teacher that feels very strongly called to find little ways to foster the growth or clarity of the Faith of my students. My school is overwhelmingly (at least nominally) Catholic. There are times where I know I have students with an active life in the Church, but seldom is there a channel to discuss any of it beyond the lessons that happen to touch on Christian history in the wider study of the world. It is not that I want to open channels of discussion that are unprofessional or cross a line; rather, I feel that the school environment I work in is so overwhelmingly covertly (and overtly) biased toward relativism and secularism, that I worry students in absence of catechesis from the home or parish may be lost forever to the Faith.
If any of you are in a similar situation, I would welcome your insights or suggestions. Thanks.
If any of you are in a similar situation, I would welcome your insights or suggestions. Thanks.