Read the Documents of Vatican II in a year

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With the upcoming Year of Faith, the Holy Father is encouraging people to become more familiar with the Catechism and the documents of Vatican II. I know there are already a lot of programs out there about the Catechism, including how to read the Catechism in a year. But I didn’t really come across anything like that for the documents of Vatican II. So I decided to come up with a reading plan myself. I have it all laid out on this new website I created:

My plan was, starting October 11, to post every day with a link to that day’s readings on the Vatican website. That way, if people wanted, they could follow the postings and end up reading all the documents in a year. Alternately, they could print out the checklist I made and do it on whatever schedulke they feel inclined to follow.

My intent in posting here is to simply to look for honest feedback. Is there anything you’d like to see included on such a site that I have overlooked? Do you think it’s a dumb idea? Did I misspell something? Etc.

Thanks! 👍
This is a great idea! It’d be a good way for people who might not be too familiar with some of the theological language in the documents to process them in small bites–they can be read much fast, as they aren’t terribly lengthy even taken together, but reading them a couple paragraphs at a time is sometimes a good way to handle it. I know that I’ve gotten a lot out of the Catechism taking that approach to it with the Coming Home Network’s Bible + CCC reading plan. I’m currently working on a similar reading plan for getting through St. Thomas’ Summa Theologiae in a year. Good work on this!

Thank you for creating this-I’m looking forward to reading along- and thanks to Ed for sharing his link to Mr. Verrecchio’s site also. It’s amazing how we can support Catechesis through social technology.👍
Thank you for your efforts. A great idea and noble cause. I look forward to follwing your daily posts!

BTW - I had to chuckle when I read through the catalog of documents, as I was reminded that the first decree – Inter Mirifica (December 4, 1963) – was on “the Media of Social Communication”. How well they understood even then what they might be up against!
Having read through the Vat II documents some years ago, this year I’m reading through several commentaries on the Council and the documents. In the past few months I’ve read:

Vatican Council II, by Xavier Rynne

What Happened at Vatican II? by John O’Malley, SJ

Vatican II: The Battle for Meaning, by Massimo Faggioli

The Church in the Making: Lumen Gentium, Christus Dominus, Orientalium Ecclesiarum, by Richard Gaillardetz (in the Rediscovering Vatican II series by Paulist Press).

The ones I enjoyed the most were the blow-by-blow historical account of the Council by Xavier Rynne and the excellent book by Richard Gaillardetz in the Rediscovering Vatican II series, which combines a brief history of the documents and their reception, a theological treatment of their teaching, and a look to remaining issues. I’ll be buying the remaining books in the Rediscovering Vatican II series.
Thanks for the kind words. Thanks Ed and Alan for the links. I think I’ll have to add a “Resources” tab and I can link to those. 👍
Since the Year of Faith begins today, I’m bumping this thread. If anyone has the desire to make reading the documents of Vatican II part of their Year of Faith devotion, I’ve tried to make it easy for you. 🙂

The Year of Faith does go for longer than one calendar year, but I stuck with 365 days because: a) people traversing the internet can start this reading plan anytime; and b) people don’t have to give up if they miss a day – they get 45 freebie days. 😃
For anyone who is interested, my husband and I have started a blog that will go through the entire Catechism during the Year of Faith.

Our website is:

The blog is still under a little bit of construction, but our daily posts have begun, and we have our schedule posted for all to view. Feel free to share our site with anyone you think may benefit from it!

Thank you!
For anyone who is interested, my husband and I have started a blog that will go through the entire Catechism during the Year of Faith.

Our website is:

The blog is still under a little bit of construction, but our daily posts have begun, and we have our schedule posted for all to view. Feel free to share our site with anyone you think may benefit from it!

Thank you!
Thanks for sharing.
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