This summer I’m going to be volunteering at my parish summer camp. This will be my ninth year, but for the first five I led outdoor activities, and the last three I was in the background on operations. This year I am supposed to lead small group reflections with another volunteer (about an hour per group per day). The age group is pretty broad, 7th-12th grade, with the 10-12th graders being in a semi-leadership position.
We have a couple topics we are hoping to do for the group, so the general theme isn’t an issue. I am hoping to find some material that would be helpful for me to avoid pitfalls in this area, or to provide insight into the nuances involved in working with younger people and getting them to open up in the discussions.
We have a couple topics we are hoping to do for the group, so the general theme isn’t an issue. I am hoping to find some material that would be helpful for me to avoid pitfalls in this area, or to provide insight into the nuances involved in working with younger people and getting them to open up in the discussions.