Reading Newman

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Would anyone out there be interested in reading and discussing one of John Henry Cardinal Newman’s works? I have read about 1/3 of his LECTURES ON THE DOCTRINE OF JUSTIFICATION and would not mind finishing that off. It is very good,… in-depth (though, a bit repetitive). It was written in his Anglican period, but he defends a view of Justification very similar to the Catholic position.
Otherwise, I was thinking of starting his famous ESSAY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE.

Both works are available in their entirety on-line at LECTURES ON JUSTIFICATION is also available in print through a publisher called Wipf and Stock out of Eugene, OR. DEVELOPMENT is readily available in print.

I am a seminarian, and an amateur student of theology and have nothing special to offer aside from an interest in the subject. I figure that we could read a section a week, then maybe post reflections, questions, challenges, counter-arguments, alternative supporting arguments, practical applications for apologetics, etc. Let me know if anyone is interested.
I have read Newman’s “Apologia Pro Vita Sua”. I have his “Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine”, but haven’t read it yet. This could be a good way to go about it…however, I am not a theologian either and, like you, have little to offer but my interest. But I would be willing to give it a go.
I have Development of Doctrine, but haven’t read it yet. Count me in!

I have been struggling with Apoligia and Development of Christian Doctrine. Please put me on your discussion list.

I think if I don’t find someone to discuss these writings of Dr. Newman, then I am gonna explode. As it is I have to re read them in triplicate just to feel confident that I understand them correctly.

I think a discussion would be a tremendous help to my effort and understanding.
Well, should we start this week with the introduction? What do you-all think?

Hey all y’all “New-man-iacs,”
Thanks for the quick response. I like your enthusiasm Sherlock. Yes, how about we start with the Introduction to DEVELOPMENT OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. Remember, if you do not have it in print, you can find it on-line at

Let’s give ourselves a week total to read and post replies. Just jump in as soon as you can/want, but let’s agree not to move on to the next chapter (at least not with posts regarding the next chapters) until a week from today (Tues. July 20).
The first person who can/wants should post a reply in a new thread in the apologetics forum with a title such as–“Newman, Development of Doctrine discussion: Introduction.” And then we can all respond on that one thread.

I will assume that this is the right way to do an on-going discussion of a book (I do not know if there is a special “group” function), and anyways, it would be nice if others jump in as we go. God bless and God speed.
Hey, AngelicDoctor, that sounds good to me. I’ll start reading this afternoon.

Just a quick apology to you: I re-read the posts and I see that in my initial post I said that I, “like you, have little to offer but my interest”. Hmmmm—now that wasn’t quite right!!! I am sure that you have much more to offer than just your interest. Open mouth, insert foot…

I like your screen name, by the way.
That is ok Sherlock, I understood what you meant (and besides, we can’t all be as silver-toungued as Cardinal Newman (who even when he put his foot in his mouth probably sounded very sophisticated).
For those who want to read this book and follow along/particpate in this discussion (and everyone is welcome), I have just posted the first reflections in this apologetics forum under the subject “Newman Reading Group, Intro. Chapter”. Please post everything related to that Introduction chapter as a reply to that original thread even if you have a different topic to bring up (we will see how that works). Happy reading (this should be challenging but fun)!
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