Sister Mary Jesus Agreda was a 17th Century Spanish nun who received spiritual revelations about Mary and Jesus, both on earth and in heaven, including the creation of the angels and the fall of lucifer and his renegade band of angels. They are presented here for you, in “The Mystical City of God”. While not biblical, these revelations did receive
the Imprimatur of The Church in 1949. An Imprimatur (from Latin, “let it be printed”) is an official declaration from the hierarchy of the Catholic Church that a literary or similar work is free from error in matters of Catholic doctrine and morals, and hence acceptable reading for faithful Catholics. Below is a partial list of events that you might find interesting reading, if you want to know “the rest of the story”.
The Creation of the Angels and the Fall of lucifer
[The Creation of Man and His Fall
The Immaculate Conception
The Childhood of Mary
[Mary’s Presentation in the Temple
Mary’s Espousal to Joseph
The Incarnation of the Son of God
The Visitation
[St. Joseph Resolves to Leave Mary
[The Birth of Jesus
[The Adoration of the Magi
[The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
[The Flight into Egypt
[The Death of St. Joseph
[The Baptism of Christ and Mary’s Doings
[The Transfiguration the the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem
[The Last Supper
[The Prayer in Gethsemane and How Mary Joined in
[Jesus before Pilate The Scourging and the Crowning with Thorns
[The Way of the Cross
[The Crucifixion
[The Victory of Christ over Hell
[The Resurrection of Christ
[The Ascension of Christ]
[The Descent of the Holy Ghost
[Baptism of the Converts and the First Mass
[Death of Stephen and the Creed
[The Conversion of St. Paul
[St. Gabriel Announces the Death of Mary
[The Burial and the Assumption of Mary
[The Coronation of Mary