I am not sure if this is the right forum for this but I think this isthe best choice at the moment. So my situation…I would like to read the Bible, all of it, but it is like I am always overwhelmed by the amount to read. I can always start but I never get very far. I have only been to one Bible study group a few months ago and did not return. I distinctly felt like an outsider to the group, and I am not very outgoing with people I do not know very well anyway. How should I go about reading/studying the Bible. I was raised Catholic to the point where I recieved my First Communion in second grade (11 years ago), then all religious influence in my life stopped, except for Christmas Mass every year. I remember very little from Sunday School but I am interested in learning now. I have found a small Catholic Church that I can attend to during the school year but that is not enough. Can anyone give me advice on how to continue on? Thanks