Really angry at God

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In the middle of math class today, I finally burst. I had a spiritual breakdown. I’m just seriously frusterated at God. I pray, and it never seems like I’m answered. I know to be patient, but I’ve been doing it long enough, it seems like something should happen. I’ve prayed many St. Gertrude’s, and asked those I have to released to pray for me-you’d think hundreds of thousands would do the trick. I ask for rather trivial things, IMO, and it seems as though they’re never granted. As if God discriminates against ME personally. I just don’t understand it. My life would be so much easier without Him it seems way too often. I mean my prayers are never answered, so why should I even pray? I’m just stuck between zillions of rules, and it seems like He never does anything to make my life easier, like He is just an immature child with too much power. I mean for example, I’m completly overrun with thoughts of lust daily, and its rather exhausting to fight them off, I’ve prayed for months and asked the intercession of numerous Saints, and only for a little time did it seem to get better. You’d think that since I’m not allowed to entertain these thoughts, He would at least make it easier on me, and lift my pain. It just feels like I’m praying and doing stuff for absolutly nothing in return. Its so difficult to love someone when it feels like they’re ripping you off.

And look at that, despair is a sin. Just another prison I’m trapped in.

I don’t think we here are going to be able to help you very much because we aren’t spiritual counselors of the sort you need. Talk to your priest to ask him to recommend a spiritual director for you. You need one-on one-contact with someone good at directing souls–a role none of us can fulfill for you. We can and do offer our prayers, though. God bless you!
With all due respect, it seems as if you are expecting God to do certain things. I suggest rather than expect out of Him, HOPE in Him. I would say to really contemplate your motivations behind what you do, why you do it, how you do it etc.
Am I chastizing you? Absolutely not. I’ve been through the same thing. However, it seems like you feel you’re at your whit’s end. Please make a conscious effort to ask for relief. Have you tried simply asking God to take this away?
I find sometimes God offers us a cadillac and all we want to do is get out and walk.
I will pray for you and ask you to pray along with me.
Ask Mary to return your joy. Beg Christ to shoulder this burden with you. Ask for relief! “Come to Me all who are heavy burdened and I will give you rest.”
Humble yourself, admit your weakness (as all of us are) and beg for Him to carry this for you.

In my prayers,

P.S. There is NOTHING wrong with asking God for help. I think the subtle difference between what you said you’ve been doing and what I’m suggesting is that you’re wanting God to strengthen you, while, He may just be simply saying “I AM your strength.”
I place you in Jesus’ Sacred Heart.
something we always remember about prayer is that, while our knowledge is confined to earthly things, God knows EVERYTHING. Remember the verse, “I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, they are plans for GOOD…” God knows what’s best for us even when we think the exact opposite. For a whole year I prayed relentlessly everyday for God to help me, to fix me, to ease my pain and my doubts and my sins…and He never answered me once…at least, not that I could tell…It was when I finally learned what really hurting me (myself and my own sins, not God and His reluctance to “help” me) that I saw the truth…it wasn’t that God wasn’t answering my prayers, He definitely was! but He wasn’t answering them the way I thought He should, so I thought He was…
the whole time I was begging Him to answer them, He was simply saying “Not yet.”

Remember this…God ALWAYS answers prayers, I absolutely guarantee it, and He can answer them in three ways:

Yes-there are some moments when God will grant us our requests, and they are often incredibly beautiful moments
No-we get these a lot, simply because we know very little about what’s best for us compared to Him
and Not Yet-sometimes we truly do need things, but we just can’t have them right away because then they wouldn’t be truly what we needed…when I begged God to ease my pain, He was telling me the whole time “Not yet…” because I had to learn, to grow, to understand why I was feeling so much pain before He could help me.

You have to be strong and trusting that God’s will is true and just…and don’t ever give up, we need Him more than we could ever know, and the reward we recieve for our trust and loyalty is paradise for eternity, what more could be worth our patience?

God bless, I’ll be praying hard for you:) Stay strong,
In Him,
your comments express a mistaken notion about prayer that many of us share, namely, that prayer is issuing orders to God or making non-negotiable demands, and equating prayer with making 3 wishes to a magic genie in a bottle.

Prayer is always about praise and worship of God. that is the content and the focus of all prayer. Prayer can take the form of thanksgiving, contrition, intercession for needs of another or for our own needs, but it remains an expression of praise and worship. If that is lacking, it is not a prayer.
something we always remember about prayer is that, while our knowledge is confined to earthly things, God knows EVERYTHING. Remember the verse, “I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, they are plans for GOOD…” God knows what’s best for us even when we think the exact opposite. For a whole year I prayed relentlessly everyday for God to help me, to fix me, to ease my pain and my doubts and my sins…and He never answered me once…at least, not that I could tell…It was when I finally learned what really hurting me (myself and my own sins, not God and His reluctance to “help” me) that I saw the truth…it wasn’t that God wasn’t answering my prayers, He definitely was! but He wasn’t answering them the way I thought He should, so I thought He was…
the whole time I was begging Him to answer them, He was simply saying “Not yet.”

Remember this…God ALWAYS answers prayers, I absolutely guarantee it, and He can answer them in three ways:

Yes-there are some moments when God will grant us our requests, and they are often incredibly beautiful moments
No-we get these a lot, simply because we know very little about what’s best for us compared to Him
and Not Yet-sometimes we truly do need things, but we just can’t have them right away because then they wouldn’t be truly what we needed…when I begged God to ease my pain, He was telling me the whole time “Not yet…” because I had to learn, to grow, to understand why I was feeling so much pain before He could help me.

You have to be strong and trusting that God’s will is true and just…and don’t ever give up, we need Him more than we could ever know, and the reward we recieve for our trust and loyalty is paradise for eternity, what more could be worth our patience?

God bless, I’ll be praying hard for you:) Stay strong,
In Him,
This is wonderful! What a beautiful explanation.

Remember to pray: Not my will, Lord, but Your Will be done.

Sometimes we look for the obvious answers but the answers are not always that way. They are way more subtle.

Maybe God is teaching you something. Maybe it’s to build your faith, to make you stronger. There is always a reason. Ask God to show you His Will - what is it He wants you to do? Don’t expect the booming voice from the clouds. Remember the description of God in the bible? He is a whispering, soft breeze.

God also helps those who help themselves. Dedicate yourself to praying the Rosary every night before going to bed. The Blessed Mother will help you as well. She will bring peace to you that you won’t suddenly realize but will recognize in the future.

One day you will realize that your trials are greatly diminished or gone altogether. Place your trust in Our Lord and the Blessed Virgin and above all be patient and be persistent.

My heart goes out to you because I have been where you are - Why won’t He help me? Why won’t He take away my pain? Then, I realize I must be patient and persistent. I calm myself down and continue in my praying. Usually, over time, I realize my prayers had been answered - in God’s own way, not mine. Don’t give up! God is always there for you.

Have you ever read the poem, “Footprints in the Sand?” The writer laments about how God was with him in good times and how he could easily discern God’s presence; he could see 2 sets of footprints in the sand. God was walking with him.
But, when things got bad, he couldn’t “feel” God anymore. He only saw one set of footprints in the sand and had thought God left him to deal with his stuation on his own. He asks God, “Why have you left me at this time in my life?” God answers, “that when you saw only one set of footprints in the sand, it was then that I carried you.”
Perhaps God is carrying you now?
Oh Dear! I know of what you speak, because I have been there too. I recall chiding God for not “helping” me be what He wanted me to be, after all…I was doing it for Him…Gulp!

I realized I was setting conditions for God to jump through like a trained dog, making an arrangement, problem is, God doesn’t work that way. That is not the nature of life.

Sometimes, in our zeal, we reduce life, faith etc to a formula. We want to put our quarters in and get “Godly life” out. We want guarantees. There are none. The only promise is that He will never leave us.

None of us will ever be free from sin, struggle or temptation, but neither will we ever be left alone with it.

Trust, faith and worship are as important as righteousness. Sometimes focusing less on sin, and more on the glory of God, less on ourselves and our compulsive behaviors and more on God and His glory, helps us more than constant penance and begging to be released from temptation.

Growing in relationship and understanding of our place in the divine plan will have a tremendous affect on our behavior.

Perhaps this analogy will help. Say a person wants to lose weight. They decide on a diet. obsess over every calorie, beat themselves up over any variation from the diet, find themselves reading about food, thinking about food, craving food every minute, weighing themeselves three times a day, etc.

Another person wants to lose weight. They focus on health. Take up hiking or join a biking club. They make friends, learn about the history of their state as they hike and ride. They even write an article for the hiking club newletter. They learn to bake low fat energy bars. One year later, not only have they lost weight, but improved health, made friends and gained skills.

Religion can be the same way. Focusing on the big picture, can REALLY help us get the details taken care of, plus, we pick up a lot of extras along the way. Sin can be a symptom, treating the symptom does not take away the disease, addressing the real issue, willreduce the symptom, by causing real healing.

A relationship with God can transform your whole life, at a deep, meaningful level, and sin will become less attractive, and many of those distractions will fall away. All of us will always have “problem areas” that we must keep after, but please don’t let them define your relationship with the Lord, don’t let them steal your joy.

Many thanks to everyone, I think I’m feeling better, getting over it, and even growing a bit in the process:D . Much appreciated.
Been there, done that my friend. I have suffered greatly (financial distress) for 5-6 yrs now. Don’t do what I have done! I deduced that God did not care about me and then allowed myself to go to the place in which I questioned His existence altogether. Then I pondered the same idea and then I studied the idea. I now have myself in a position in which I am torn in many directions and am praying for God to simply help me back to basic truth.

I have studied Deism and Islam extensively and now dont even know what the truth is anymore - and I am still broke! As long as I find the truth I suppose it will have all been worthwhile but right now all I can see is that I am confused, lost, scared and financially distressed whereas before I was only financially distressed - until I took a critical view concerning the answering of prayers and/or lack thereof.
Oh wow! I guess you are young, since you said you were in math class. I had a similar struggle with lust when I was in highschool and college. I would constantly fantasize about this guy or that guy. I remember being at a point where I couldn’t go to sleep without thinking about guys in an unhealthy way. I can sympathise with you totally. I hope you haven’t started down the path that I took, and that was acting on those thoughts. it lead to distruction. I decided (how silly and foolish I was) that I didn’t need God, since obviously He didn’t love or need me. why would He? I was dirty! So I could do whatever I watned. I won’t give you all the details but I found myself locked in a mental hospital at the age of 23 because the heartach from giving into the flesh and it becomming addictive and neededing to drink and smoke pot to feel better finally made me fall apart. Why did I feel that God had given up on me? because I had given up on myself! DON:T do that! it’s NOT worth it.
our culture is littered with so much garbage that causes lust to come into our hearts and saten uses that to wrap a heavy ball and chane around our necks. It’s only when we realize that we don’t have to carry it by ourselves, can we get through it. I will ask you this, do you know what causes you to lust? is there a certain “trigger” a person at school? something on the TV? music vidios? vidio games? (I’m not sure how old you are, so some of these might seem silly, but you would be surprised). ask yourself about your trigger. maybe there is more than one. you’ve GOT to stay away from it. mine was a couple of people in my life and it was hard to stop hanging around them anymore. but I am married now and living in God’s grace and a lot happier than I was 3 years ago.
Don’t give up hope, my friend. the Gospil is GOOD news! Our church has so many graces to help us, not make us feel bad. once I realized how healing confession was, I stopped sweating and avoiding it. I love to go now because I can let go of things and it helps me to make a more firm commitment to repent!
Jesus is waiting to take your burden, you just have to lay it down and not pick it back up! You can do it! if I can, ANYONE can! trust me on that one!
I know to be patient, but I’ve been doing it long enough, it seems like something should happen.
When you are dead, then come back and tell us you waited long enough. Till then, know that God has you in the palm of his hand. Evidently He has seen fit for you to fight these temptations. Im sure we both agree He knows better. 👍
I’ve prayed many St. Gertrude’s, and asked those I have to released to pray for me-you’d think hundreds of thousands would do the trick.

You cannot be sure you have released anyone from purgatory. You MUST NOT pray with the intention to get prayers back from them.
I ask for rather trivial things, IMO, and it seems as though they’re never granted.
Then ask for sincere things. Ask Him to grow in your love for Him. See if that one is granted.
As if God discriminates against ME personally. I just don’t understand it. My life would be so much easier without Him it seems way too often.
Careful, you want to try life without Him? You have no idea how much he is supporting you RIGHT NOW.
I mean my prayers are never answered, so why should I even pray?
If i pray for chocolate, im pretty sure it will go unanswered (or answered as NO). We have to make sure that we are praying for the right reason.
I’m just stuck between zillions of rules, and it seems like He never does anything to make my life easier, like He is just an immature child with too much power. I mean for example, I’m completly overrun with thoughts of lust daily, and its rather exhausting to fight them off, I’ve prayed for months and asked the intercession of numerous Saints, and only for a little time did it seem to get better.
You would not be able to fight these temptations WITHOUT GOD. I think you feel that unless you have no temptation then you are without God. Quite the contrary, God uses temptations to bring us closer to Him. Perhaps if you begin to trust solely in Him instead of fighting them off yourself you will see an improvement.
You’d think that since I’m not allowed to entertain these thoughts, He would at least make it easier on me, and lift my pain. It just feels like I’m praying and doing stuff for absolutly nothing in return. Its so difficult to love someone when it feels like they’re ripping you off.
He gives you life every day. HE has given you the grace to show you the Truth, what you need to do earn eternal salvation. You have been GIFTED with suffering to bring you closer to Him, and are blessed that he has showered you with enough grace to fight these temptations and to seek help with them. And yet you feel he is ripping you off?
And look at that, despair is a sin. Just another prison I’m trapped in.
STOP despairing. Stop trying to do it yourself and trust solely in Him. When you wake up in the morning, remember to thank God for giving you ANOTHER chance to please Him. Consecrate your heart to Him, and ask Him to give you the grace to resist all sin. He will not refuse. You have only to cooperate.

In Christ


In the middle of math class today, I finally burst. I had a spiritual breakdown. I’m just seriously frusterated at God. I pray, and it never seems like I’m answered. I know to be patient, but I’ve been doing it long enough, it seems like something should happen. I’ve prayed many St. Gertrude’s, and asked those I have to released to pray for me-you’d think hundreds of thousands would do the trick. I ask for rather trivial things, IMO, and it seems as though they’re never granted. As if God discriminates against ME personally. I just don’t understand it. My life would be so much easier without Him it seems way too often. I mean my prayers are never answered, so why should I even pray? I’m just stuck between zillions of rules, and it seems like He never does anything to make my life easier, like He is just an immature child with too much power. I mean for example, I’m completly overrun with thoughts of lust daily, and its rather exhausting to fight them off, I’ve prayed for months and asked the intercession of numerous Saints, and only for a little time did it seem to get better. You’d think that since I’m not allowed to entertain these thoughts, He would at least make it easier on me, and lift my pain. It just feels like I’m praying and doing stuff for absolutly nothing in return. Its so difficult to love someone when it feels like they’re ripping you off.

And look at that, despair is a sin. Just another prison I’m trapped in.

If you ask me, this is a great prayer.

St. Faustina was told by Our Lord that the biggest mistake we all make is we do not come to Him with all of us, every bit of us…our worries, our thoughts, our desires, our sins, our doubts and our faith.

We either treat Him like a kind of Santa Clause (will you give me this if I am really really GOOD?) or we make all kinds of demands upon Him in exchange for our fidelity (I love you, look! See! Now, gimme this!).

It took me a long time to realize that God was answering my prayers…always.

He has answered every one of your prayers too.

Every one.

All of them.

You may have missed some of the answers, and you have probably not heard him say “No” when He has said “No” but I guarantee God has answered every single prayer you have prayed.

I know this because God is who He is…

Peace, my brother.
Try this:

“Jesus, I trust in You to keep me pure.”

This prayer (for various intentions, not just purity) has worked in my life and in the lives of many I know. Give it a try 😉

While you’re about releasing souls from purgatory by the hundreds of thousands, have you ever seen the Mission to Empty Purgatory? Add your prayers to the count!
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