For the longest time I wasn’t sure what to make of the Church’s inability to ordain women. Lately though I have been doing some reading both of the Bible and other Catholic theology.
It is because Jesus only chose men to be his apostles ( disciples were and can be of either gender.) And Mary Magdalene, Phoebe, and the women that helped Paul with his ministry were not apostles since they were not given the uhmm “powers” I guess that Jesus gave the original 12 ( exorcism, forgiving sins etc.) More importantly, isn’t the last supper sort of confirmation of Jesus wanting an all male priesthood? Making the Eucharist seems one of the most important things a priest can do (besides baptism). And Jesus could have had his Mother or Mary Magdalene there, but chose not to.
This is kind of an interesting site, one that wishes to allow women to be ordained :romancatholicwomenpriests.org.
They seem sincere, if pretty misguided. They sort of bend history too saying that there used to be female priests before Constantine took over the Catholic Church ( I think there never really were) and implies that ancient images of women on its website were female priests from long ago. Im pretty sure there just mosaics of the Virgin Mary and Byzantine noblewomen:shrug:.
So do I have the reasoning for the all male preisthood correct?
It is because Jesus only chose men to be his apostles ( disciples were and can be of either gender.) And Mary Magdalene, Phoebe, and the women that helped Paul with his ministry were not apostles since they were not given the uhmm “powers” I guess that Jesus gave the original 12 ( exorcism, forgiving sins etc.) More importantly, isn’t the last supper sort of confirmation of Jesus wanting an all male priesthood? Making the Eucharist seems one of the most important things a priest can do (besides baptism). And Jesus could have had his Mother or Mary Magdalene there, but chose not to.
This is kind of an interesting site, one that wishes to allow women to be ordained :romancatholicwomenpriests.org.
They seem sincere, if pretty misguided. They sort of bend history too saying that there used to be female priests before Constantine took over the Catholic Church ( I think there never really were) and implies that ancient images of women on its website were female priests from long ago. Im pretty sure there just mosaics of the Virgin Mary and Byzantine noblewomen:shrug:.
So do I have the reasoning for the all male preisthood correct?