Reasons for Moral Theology

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Let us sit and discuss why sin is not in any persons best interest. I suggest for every sin acted out there is a great good being lost, which reduces us from being fully alive to captives of our lowest desires:

For example when I am acting like a food hog, I’m not praying or witnessing.

When I am sexually rebelious, I’m not Loving the people around me who need real encouraging Love not a selfish example.

Lets try this for every rebellion of our culture so we can explain why they want to change and be captives set free by Christ.
Good topic. I think this discussionis very useful and also very underrated.
  1. I would say that sin is counter-productive, fruitless and self destructive.
  2. #1 is true for believers and non-believers, Catholic, Jew or athiest.
Just off the top of my head, here are some Bible verses…
 God has promised that “all things will work to the  
 good for those who love him”. Jesus said that he 
 has “come that we may have life and have it 
 more abundantly”.  God has promised us that if   
 “the Lord is my Shepard, I shall not want”.  
 Jesus said “Be not afraid, for I am with you”. 
God has promised those who keep his 
 commandments “surely goodness and mercy 
 will follow me all the days of my life and I will live 
 in the house of the Lord forever”. God has 
 promised that we can posses “the unreachable 
 riches of Christ”. God has said that “no good 
 deed will go unrewarded, and no evil deed 
 unpunished”. Jesus promised to give us “the 
 peace that surpassed all understanding.” Jesus 
 said “nothing is impossible with God”.
I guess it’s just you and I Chris, I think we should call our movement - The Templars of the Perpetual Virgin.

We will fight the culture of chemical death with truth and set the world on fire for the virgin who leads us to the King.

I think i like this order you are contiplating…let me know if we get to wear armor and swords?
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