There are four reasons why we have to forgive others unceasingly (Matt. 18:21-35). The first reason is that Jesus took the punishment of the sins of all human beings upon Himself by dying on the cross (Matt. 26:28). He therefore, fulfilled, the requirement of the law, which is to pay the price for our offenses. The second reason is that we are created to love and love (who is God) is always forgiving. The third reason is that, we our selves are sinners. How then can we point a finger at another person? This is well illustrated in the incidence when her accusers brought a woman caught in the act of adultery (John 8:1-11) to Jesus before they were going to stone her to death. Jesus told to her accusers, that the one without sin should throw the first stone. None of them were without sin. They therefore, walked away. The fourth reason is that God (who is infinite) has forgiven us of all our grave offenses we have committed against Him; we therefore, have to forgive our fellow human beings of their offenses. This reason is illustrated in the story of the unforgiving servant (Matt. 18:21-34) whose master forgave him of a very large sum of money. He in turn however, did not forgive his fellow worker of a much smaller sum. This of course did not go well with the master who then severely punished the servant.