I recently emailed the FSSP regarding my vocation. I got their response today. Again, please pray for my possible vocation. 

Dear Ben;
Thank you for your email and your candid characterization of your conversion. Please allow me to express some thoughts and ideas for your particular situation.
In seeking to know the Catholic faith, and to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, you will find that there is no compromise to the knowledge of full communion with Him. The fact that you are receiving persecution from your own mother is understandable, although you did not indicate what her faith persuasion is. Jesus promised we would be persecuted and marginalized in this world for the sake of His Kingdom.
However, as a young man, you must respect your parents in all but this most important way. Living at home, and under their roof, makes you responsible to them and obligates your respect, obedience, love and admiration for at least the past sixteen plus years when they have loved and cared for your every need. No matter what the disagreement, they are the parents God gave to you – and they always will be.
Your statement about waiting until age 18 to convert is prudent, but you can also be preparing your heart and soul for this event every day. You should carefully select sound, orthodox Catholic books and publications to read, study and pray about.
You should also find a holy and orthodox priest to discuss your spiritual progress, and arrange to meet with him on a periodic basis.
In the matter of a vocation to the priesthood, it is far too early in your spiritual journey to consider this move. Please put this aside for now, and focus on deepening your relationship with Jesus, and becoming a disciple of His. This is a lifelong journey in itself, and there are no shortcuts that are profitable.
In the interim, you could certainly read and examine materials that pertain to the priesthood, but try not to become fixated on the idea. The Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter requires a convert to the faith to wait a minimum of two years before applying to the Seminary. This is to allow a zealous young man time to consider and learn the basics of the Faith before immersing him into a seminary formation.
I pray that you will heed my humble advice and to take matters one step at a time. If we can be of any further service to you at this time, please contact us.