Last night I was watching Father Corapi’s Catechism Series on EWTN. He stated, with that wonderful smile and voice of his, that he is a feminist. He loves women, he believes in the dignity and nobility of women and he reminded those listening to his series that God’s most perfect creation, Mary, was a woman…The Woman.
I got to thinking, it is time we as Catholic Women, reclaim the term Feminism. We need to come up with a manifesto of sorts, that includes the Catechism, the teachings of the Holy Mother Church and looks at some of the wonderful women who have shared their issues, challenges and thoughts here on this forum. You do so much! You are mothers, singles, working in and outside the home, raise good Catholic children, are childless, keep the flame of faith in your home or carry the Gospel of Christ in your workplace. No one would DARE call any of you second class citizens, or say you do not have minds of your own or see yourselves as subservient to anyone but Christ.
How do you see yourselves as Catholic Christian Feminists, and do you think it is possible to reclaim the title in today’s world?
I got to thinking, it is time we as Catholic Women, reclaim the term Feminism. We need to come up with a manifesto of sorts, that includes the Catechism, the teachings of the Holy Mother Church and looks at some of the wonderful women who have shared their issues, challenges and thoughts here on this forum. You do so much! You are mothers, singles, working in and outside the home, raise good Catholic children, are childless, keep the flame of faith in your home or carry the Gospel of Christ in your workplace. No one would DARE call any of you second class citizens, or say you do not have minds of your own or see yourselves as subservient to anyone but Christ.
How do you see yourselves as Catholic Christian Feminists, and do you think it is possible to reclaim the title in today’s world?