Reclaiming FEMINISM!

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Last night I was watching Father Corapi’s Catechism Series on EWTN. He stated, with that wonderful smile and voice of his, that he is a feminist. He loves women, he believes in the dignity and nobility of women and he reminded those listening to his series that God’s most perfect creation, Mary, was a woman…The Woman.

I got to thinking, it is time we as Catholic Women, reclaim the term Feminism. We need to come up with a manifesto of sorts, that includes the Catechism, the teachings of the Holy Mother Church and looks at some of the wonderful women who have shared their issues, challenges and thoughts here on this forum. You do so much! You are mothers, singles, working in and outside the home, raise good Catholic children, are childless, keep the flame of faith in your home or carry the Gospel of Christ in your workplace. No one would DARE call any of you second class citizens, or say you do not have minds of your own or see yourselves as subservient to anyone but Christ.

How do you see yourselves as Catholic Christian Feminists, and do you think it is possible to reclaim the title in today’s world?
I would rather some creative person come up with another descriptive word to describe real women. But, yeah, it is time to stand up against the radical feminists who claim to speak for ALL women instead of just the minority they really are.
There are already groups in place that have started to reclaim the word feminism. ENDOW (group that promotes True Feminism is a great organization from what I know. Feminists for Life also seem to be on the right track. JPII, I believe, was the one who actually started this trend.
Eileen T:
I would rather some creative person come up with another descriptive word to describe real women. But, yeah, it is time to stand up against the radical feminists who claim to speak for ALL women instead of just the minority they really are.
Absolutely! I am tired about being told that my sisters in Christ who have chosen motherhood as a vocation, or who do not think women should be priests have somehow 'betrayed the cause". BALDERDASH!!

BUT ( I almost wrote ‘bust’…how’s that for a freudian slip?) I think we should keep the word…take it BACK…for instance, Susan B Anthony was Pro-Life…how many radical feminists know that or would like it if it were made known?
Eileen T:
I would rather some creative person come up with another descriptive word to describe real women. But, yeah, it is time to stand up against the radical feminists who claim to speak for ALL women instead of just the minority they really are.
I think the word “feminist” is too aligned with a political movement and a particular set of beliefs for it to ever escape that meaning. It’s like the guy who was on here a while ago saying that we should reclaim the original meaning of “gay,” which is “happy.”

Not going to happen.
I think we should get back on track…what do you think, as Catholic Christian Women, should go into a new improved definition of Feminist?

think of women like Dorothy Day, or your Mom or the women in your parish that keep the wheels movin’ so to speak…what makes them special ?
I always tell people, should it come up, that I am a traditional feminist. Originally, feminism was about recognising the value of the work a woman traditionally did raising children, being a wife, running the home and contributing her time to the community.
Great link, Sentie!

I was raised by a single, working mom. She wasn’t that way by choice, but she made sure that her kids came first. She kept a good Catholic home, didn’t date, did all the ‘Mom Things’ and went to bed exhausted many nights. Yet, she also managed to succeed in her area of business also! She retired as a Vice-President of a Savings and Loan. Today she is the much beloved Matriarch of the Family, does the child care for my brother, and lives with me - I happen to think she is the best around. When I think of a true feminist, I think of my mom.

I asked her once how she handled the tough times, when it must have just been overwhelming for her and she must have been tired to her TOES…she told me she would take her break, go find somewhere quiet and say a decade of the Rosary.

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