Recommendations for digital prayer services or bible studies?

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Hi there! This is my first time on this forum, so pardon me if I am breaking any post rules. I’m in college quarantined with my girlfriend (not living together, just seeing each other a lot), and I was wondering if anybody had recommendations of some prayer services/bible studies that we could watch together online. We do watch mass every Sunday together but there’s been a LOT of temptation lately, we are trying our absolute darndest to stay chaste and with the Lord especially during this tough time where a whole lot of people around us have it much worse, and honestly we haven’t been perfect (no intercourse, but without going into the details, we’re having a hard time). This could be YouTube videos, podcasts, or something other you might think would be helpful right now! We really could use some guidance in this time. Thanks all! Stay healthy
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Look up Fr. Pillari live on YouTube at 11am and pray the Holy Rosary with him. Also, check out the LifeSite Connect app. Also the Sensus Fidelium channel on YouTube has some awesome videos mostly to listen to especially the talks by Fr. Ripperger…will help you avoid sin. God bless!
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I just discovered the book “Probes: Deep Sea Diving Into Saint John’s Gospel” by Dr Kreeft. I have not yet finished it, so far, it is the best Bible Study I’ve ever done.
My parish organized small “virtual prayer groups” once a week where we do Lectio Divina via ZOOM for about a half hour.
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