When my wife and I were going through the “Refocus” to have our marriage blessed our Msgr told us that the story of hte parting of the Red Sea is not ecaxtly how it says. He said that the Red Sea did not split open and allow the Isrealits through. He said that it could have just been that the tide was not high and the soil was exposed enough for them to cross through. Then when the persueres came along it rose and drowned them. In my Bible NAB Version, it states that there was a wall of water on both sides of them. This sure sounds like it would mean they walked through a valley with the water being the mountains and the sea floor being the vally floor. How is this to be interpreted and what documentation is there to prove either story. My wife is a convert from Protestism so she still sees some things differently but she does know the RC Church is the one for us and our babies.