Redemptorists & Redemptoristines

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The Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (C.Ss.R.) was founded in Italy by St. Alphonsus Liguori. They have over 30 men in formation in North America alone, and do parish work.

Their cloistered women’s counterpart is known as the Order of the Most Holy Redeemer, or the Redemptoristines (O.Ss.R). They are distinguished by their red habits. The original habit, as given by Our Lord Himself to Venerable Maria Celeste Crostarosa, was more colorful.

Their house in Liguori, Missouri, made a new foundation in Asia some years ago, so vocations are very much needed.

The Redemptoristines of Esopus, NY, are now sharing monastic property with the Discalced Carmelites of Beacon, NY.

The Dublin, Ireland, house has carried on the tradition of wearing the sky-blue mantle. They have had several entrances in the past few years:

There are traditional Redemptoristine nuns in Brazil who wear the entire old habit, and have the Extraordinary Form of the Mass:

Mrs Cloisters OP
Lay Dominican
Let’s not forget the Transalpine Redemptorists at Papa Stronsay, Scotland. They just need one more American vocation before they make a foundation here. [] They use the TLM. Golgotha Monastery Island
Papa Stronsay
Orkney, KW17 2AR
Scotland, UK

They are also making a foundation of Redemptoristines in New Zealand. They are a young, fledgling group, and I cannot find contact information with them. However, Fr. Michael Mary, one of the founders, has personally shared that they do, indeed, exist. Maybe contact the Redemptorists at Papa Stronsay?

The Transalpine Redemptorists also support the Redemptoristines in Brazil, who for many years were the only ones using the TLM, and whose website is given by Mrs. Cloisters.
But do they ever mention their nuns???

Order priests are supposed to not only promote their own orders, but also any female counterparts and cloistered religious affiliated with them.
I had a conversation with a Redemptorist Priest a week ago, and the topic came up. He said that they do. He also mentioned some orders of nuns that the Redemptorists have traditionally had close contact with. I could be wrong, but they seemed to be based on geographical proximity.

I don’t know if the Redemptorist Priests actively promote their nuns, but they do not seem to have a problem with discussing them with outsiders.
When I was with Fr. Michael Mary of the Transalpine Redemptorists a couple of weeks ago, he talked about the sisters at length, including their formation process and structure.
Most of the Redemptorist priests I know have close relationships with women religious whose congregations have Liguorian roots, such as the IHMs and SSNDs, as well as the OSPs. Cardinal Joe Tobin, for instance, celebrated Mass at the Michigan IHMs’ Community Days last summer (as well as the IHM/OSPs’ Community Days 2 or 3 years ago), and referred to himself as a “brother” to them. I have seen great closeness between the women and men of the same spiritual family, in other words. And it’s not just limited to the Redemptorists, of course.
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