Reflecting on the Sower and the Seed

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Hello Everyone,
I am N. D. Moharo, a philosopher and writer. Something I’ve been planning for over a year is to write a book of letters concerning faith for my children in case I am unable to teach them as they grow up. However, my current environment does not have anyone with whom I can trust to check if my teachings are correct or valid (grammatical checks would be nice as well). Therefore, I wish to ask you, the community, to please help me and see if the things I intend to teach my children are true. Here is one reflecting on the Sower and the Seed

The parable of the sower and the seed is an interesting case where God explains the meaning to us. However, it would be a mistake to think there isn’t more for us to meditate upon. There are at least two ways to think about this parable; as the sower and as the soil.

As the sower, the parable acts as a consolation for those who preach the word. It gives hope that even though many will reject the word, there will be some who will provide an abundance of good fruit. Therefore, do not worry and carry on preaching through your words and deeds

Now as the soil is perhaps where we can reflect the most. The soil is the heart of man and how our hearts are prepared determines how we respond to the word of God. When our hearts are hard like a path, the devil comes and easily snatches away the word from us. Likewise, if our heart is full of rocks such as fear of persecution, we won’t allow the word of God to grow. If our hearts are filled with the thorns of anxiety and lures of the world, we try to kill the word of God. But if our hearts are properly cared for, then we shall produce an abundance of fruit.

You might be tempted to believe that there is no hope for those who are not good soil, but that is not true at all. We are called not only to be sowers of the seed, but workers of the field. We are to remove the rocks from the soil by creating an environment easy for us to worship in peace. We are to pull out the thorns that try to leave no room for the fruit. We are to provide fertilizer and water in order to make good soil. We are called to not only do all of this for others, but for ourselves as well. So let us go forth and not only sow the seed, but work the field of our hearts so that we may bear much good fruit.

With Love,
N. D. Moharo
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Thank you for your meditation. God grant that your children will welcome your encouraging and inspiring thoughts, in spirit and in how they live their lives…
May God bless you, and may the Holy Spirit bless you and your family in all things.

Welcome to Catholic Answers Forums.
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