Great, so what would be a good way to "paint a full picture"?
Try this
Romans 16:17-20 , &
Galatians 5:19-21 This Greek word
διχοστασίας dichostasia = division / dissension / factions /sedition (is the same word in both Rom 16:17 And Gal 5:19…) the consequences for dividing from the Catholic Church is I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. [Gal 5:21]
IOW once someone knows the truth of the Catholic Church, and either divides from her, or won’t return to unity, and remains in division from the Catholic Church, they won’t be saved.
That’s where the phrase came from
“outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation”
One might say that wasn’t Jesus talking that was Paul talking.
The HS that inspired Paul, [John 14:25-26] to condemn division which ultimately came from Jesus
John 16:12-15. And since Jesus will judge all souls, Jesus is telling us in advance through the HS, through Paul, how He will judge division from His Church.
Jesus wants and describes perfect unity that He wants
John 17:20-23. Nothing else but that unity will do. Otherwise He wouldn’t have given such a terrible consequence to a soul if they divide from His Church in this life and die in that state of separation. Separation from Him in this life, means eternal separation from Him in the next life.
So one might ask, how do we know it’s the Catholic Church being spoken of, and how do we know the consequence spoken of by Paul is how bishops who followed the apostles understood it to be?
Acts, 9:31
“The Church throughout all”
ἐκκλησία = church,
καθ’ = according to ,
ὅλης = whole / all / complete / universal ,
τῆς = the = the Kataholos Church = the Catholic Church.
Bp Ignatius of Antioch,
• ordained by apostles in ~68 a.d., ( that is before Acts & Revelation are written)
• is a direct disciple of St John the apostle,
wrote the following in ~107 a.d.
Re: the Catholic Church. Ignatius uses Christian (ch 2) and Catholic Church (ch 8) Epistle to the Smyrnæans
Re: schismatics from the Catholic Church. Ignatius says they won’t be going to heaven Epistle to the Philadelphians (ch 3) .
Is there any doubt where he got that teaching from?