Christy Beth:
One good book is “The Facts about Luther.” I’ve read it, more than once.
Hi Christy,
That book is probably the worst book on Luther in print today. I did some research on it here:
Lest you think my research not worthy to be read, Catholic Apologist Dave Armstrong valued this paper enough to link it off his website: (scroll down to external links).
Used as a strong dose of anti-Protestant prejudice, Roman Catholic laymen frequently refer to The Facts About Luther. This may be the single worst treatment of Luther in print today. Father O’Hare presents an entire chapter on “Luther and the Bible” in which he viciously attacks Luther’s treatment of the canon. O’Hare’s analysis reads like a continuing round of shot gun blasts:
“[Luther’s] was a most lamentable state whilst confined at the Wartburg. No wonder he produced a Bible full of malicious translations. A victim of fleshly lust and one in constant contact with Satan could hardly be expected to treat the undefiled Word of God with reverence. What reliance can be placed on a translation of the Bible made under such unfavorable circumstances?”
“[Luther] translated the Bible- or what pretended to be the Bible. His mutilation of the Holy Book, and the amputation of several of its members make little or no difference to his admirers.”
“[Luther] sacrificed accuracy and mistranslated the Bible with deliberate purport and intention, in order to fit to his false theories and to make it serve to buttress his heresies.”
“To call Luther’s version, which is a monstrous forgery, the Word of God is nothing less than criminal and blasphemous.”
These are but a few examples of the abject hatred expressed by Father O’Hare.
James Swan