Hypothetically speaking sort of. Say one needs to get a marraige annulled for entry in the Church. The ex spouse will never comply with anything if it would in any way benefit the other ex. If the Church rejects the annulment you are in continual grave sin if you are remarried. So if the Catholic Church, the one true Church of God rejects you from full participation does God reject you also? In a continual state of sin you cannot participate in the Holy Eucharist therefore not able to participate in the a wonderful Sacrament of the faith. Your past sin while a heathen is truly never forgiven, or is the current marriage the sin, and if it is then to hell you go unless you divorce the women you love, oh but wait the original marraige is still valid. You are bound to the first marriage and if an annulment cannot be obtained, then what? I have joyfully jumped a number of walls of my faith coming to know God’s one church, but this one seems too high. I desperately want to be in the faith the Lord started. Peace and love to all.