Hello, I am wondering what relationship advice you guys might offer an early twenties college student who has been in a relationship for a year and a half. I’ll give you the basics: The first few months were amazing. It is a long-distance relationship, so we got to know each other really well without the physical distractions. Then we started arguing alot. Our arguments never last more than a few hours and I can only remember once going to bed without solving the issue. It seems like we argue all the time, about little things and big things too. I tend to be very dramatic, so especially when I am tired, things blow up quickly. I will tell my best friend and/or mom, and I always find myself excusing his behavior, excusing why he hurt my feelings, or excusing whatever it was that he said. Every once in a while one or the other will try to break up, but somehow (probably God’s graces???) we are given the patience and the love to talk the other person out of a breakup. Here’s the problem: I love him very much, but I’m getting tired of the fighting. I’m tired of excusing him to my family and friends, and I’m tired of the distance. I know if we break up, I will be broken for months, at least, and I know he will too (as well as both our families). I don’t know what to do anymore and the more I pray, it seems the longer we stay together, it just doesn’t make sense that I’ve become tired of it all. Please help me.