What does this truly LOOK like? Is this a real problem today?
Bingo. Those protestants promote a form of religion that makes people feel good. They downplay doctrine and emphasise self-help. In other words, their religion becomes a form of emotional support system. They’re about improving a person’s natural life. True religion is about bringing people to supernatural life.To me it looks like the popular Joel Osteen/Beth Moore models.
That’s also Modernism. The Modernists believe that the sentiment is both natural and supernatural - it comes from God and is about God. This false notion has been condemned because it holds every emotional experience to be a form of Revelation from God. This isn’t the case at all.Yes this what I’m talking about!
From what I’m reading in these posts the best I can explain it is: What if what is being called sentimentality IS the supernatural, not out right but it’s inferd? Know what I mean?