Are there any religious careers out there (besides the priesthood) that would use a degree from theology school and provide good pay? Maybe a degree wielding youth minister? Are they paid well in bigger churches?
I assume that by “good pay” you don’t mean that you want to be paid like a doctor, lawyer, or business manager, but that you merely mean “enough to raise a family on, pay the bills, put something away for retirement, and the like” – am I right?
Unfortunately, the answer is mostly no. In my experience – which is by no means comprehensive, so if anybody knows different, by all means jump in and correct me! – the Church tends to pay below the private sector in jobs with similar duties. In other words, Catholic school teachers make less then their secular counterparts down the street, as do school principals, office management types, etc.
So, a certain amount of sacrifice does go with the territory if you want to serve the Church as a lay person.
But there are still a couple avenues I can think of:
- Since you are so interested in theology, perhaps you could work toward a doctorate and teach at a Catholic college or university? You would make less than your counterparts at secular institutions, but still might make a fairly decent living.
- There is also the Permanent Diaconate, which has, I think, gained in popularity at least partly for the very reason that it allows one to work to support a family while still serving the Church.
Finally, **have you considered the priesthood? ** :newidea:
really need priests these days. :yup:
Since you seem academically inclined, you could consider the Jesuits – most of them seem to stay in school pretty much forever; the Dominicans are also very academically oriented, as are all the various Augustinian orders. In addition, there are tons of orders devoted to teaching.
Why not give the priesthood some thought and, more importantly, prayer?
After all, something – or should I say some
ONE – prompted you to sign on to this vocation forum and start asking questions… :angel1: