So I was for a long time thinking of being a consecrated virgin. However, my Deacon kept bringing up getting into a convent and after speaking to my once not supportive mother I’m realizing a few things. My mother indicated the deacon was trying to let me know that technically you do gain Christ as a consecrated but, not the support financially,etc. of the Church. Considering I am a single woman living alone with a cat and only able to support myself (and very minimal amount left over for other things) at this point with non full time work, she indicated after RCIA if I was serious to consider a convent. She felt like it would be the best option out of the two for my situation. What do you think of this?
Also,I had questions:
Also,I had questions:
- What are some good cloistered communities that are in or around the Louisville,Kentucky area? Communities working with the elderly also would work.
- I was interested in the Carmelites, a full cloistered community in Louisville down near Newburg Road I believe. However, I can not find a website or more information. Any ideas?
- I do have a cat that I would like to keep until his death. Would a community be okay with adopting him too? He LOVES people of all sorts including children.
- Since I’m in RCIA can I even start asking questions of these communities? I would ideally like to explore different ones and then work overtime on a relationship with one community I was serious with.
- Is it possible to shadow postulates in a community, tour the facility, and maybe spend some time when I can experiencing their community life as a discerner?
- When I find a community I fit well with does the Mother of that community function as a spiritual director?
- I am:24 years old, vegetarian since childhood (will get sick if eat meat), have some anxiety issues and self-confidence, as well as learning disability( largely foreign language and mathematics affected) and mild physical (mostly means no endurance and should not do hard manual labor). I am however better than average in English and Comprehension. Would this prevent me from joining a convent?
- Is there any information on the Kentucky Passionists Sisters? What do you all think of them?
- Anyone had any experiences with the sisters of St. James the Worker?
Any other advice is great.