Religious Liberty and Why it is Absolutely True

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If you are commanded, by civil law, to go to Catholic Church always, and commanded by civil law, to go, only, to the Catholic Church, always, and, commanded by civil law, to practice, the Catholic Faith only, would you, thereby, be free, and have, freedom, and, liberty, to go, to Catholic Church, and have, freedom to, and, liberty to, practice, the Catholic Faith?
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I said, do you have Religious Liberty?
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What are you trying to convey? That a Catholic monarchy is bad or something?
I am trying to convey, the absolute truth, of religious liberty, no matter what. If you have a Catholic monarchy, and they command you, to go to Catholic Church only, do you have freedom, in the way of, going, to Catholic Church, only?
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Yes you are financially free. You are free to do many things to avoid taxes. Sin is free. Yes they are free, in the Middle East, in ways, to practice other things that Islam, like he Catholic Faith, and those martyrs died for those reasons, and those ways are true, holy, and, free.
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If you have a Catholic monarchy, and they command you to go to Catholic Church only, do you have freedom in the way of going to Catholic Church only?
Well this can go for anything. If you have to pay taxes (for fear of punishment from the government) are you financially free?

You’re always internally free to dissent or assent to the teachings of the Catholic Church, even if, by some stroke of magic, a Catholic monarchy came around. Heck, even in practice, you could attend a synagogue or whatever in private.

In countries in the Middle East, practicing anything but Islam can get you killed. Are they free?

I’d argue you’re still free in all of the cases listed above, but you may face some degree of consequences for your disobedience.
Yes you are financially free. There are many ways to avoid paying taxes. You can go to jail for it, and that is free. Choices are free. Sin is free. In the Middle East, they are free. There are martyrs who have died, for good reasons, and those reasons, were true, Holy, and, free.

Do they have Religious Liberty?
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Not everyone has the liberty to practise any religion they like publicly but in private then surely it is possible, even when it might be dangerous.
Correct, you are free to do bad things like not paying taxes or committing murder (which are illegal and have consequences). Likewise, you are free to not go to the Catholic church in a hypothetical society where it’s illegal to fail to show up to Catholic mass. There may be consequences (as with murder and tax evasion in our society), but you’re still free to do it.
If we required each other to receive the Blessed Sacrament by compulsory power, would that be a good thing? Isn’t that Religious Liberty too? What is your opinion?
You know, when I look up at the stars, and wonder about God, and I think about Creation, I wonder, isn’t that Religious Liberty too?
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Blessed Mother - do you want your children to be free? Free to practice the Catholic Faith? That is my prayer. What about you?
Nobody should be forced to receive the Sacraments. Jesus wants us to choose to love Him. Religious liberty in the context of the US constitution means that the government cannot compel you to adhere to a certain religion and they cannot infringe on your practicing of your religion.
I never struggle with Religious Liberty. Never. That is why I do what I do. Don’t you want to be free to receive the Blessed Sacrament? When I receive the Blessed Sacrament, I say in my mind, “Religious Liberty.” No one…not a soul, can ever, take that away from me.
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Jesus, he can never, ever, by the power, by the power of God, can never take away, my Liberty, my liberty to worship Him, and his Father.
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This would be a misrepresentation of a catholic monarchy.
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