I am curious if anyone has any knowledge regarding the possibility of being accepted into a religious order with chronic health issues. Several years ago I had the life-changing experience of spending a month living in a monastery with Trappist monks on a “monastic life retreat,” and that experience has left me with the unquenchable desire toward living a life as a religious person. My concern, however, is that no monastery would accept me because about a year and a half ago I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and I’m currently 36. In my admittedly surface-level explorations, I’ve seen that the orders I’ve encountered seek men in good health, and generally under the age of 35, which puts two huge barriers in my way of ever being able to answer this calling. In addition, I was not raised Catholic and have not yet been baptized, and my understanding is that most orders want you to have been baptized for several years before they will consider you, so that puts me at being nearly 40 before I could start applying, and then I’d still have the MS as a barrier in addition to added years on my age. Does anyone know of religious orders where these barriers would be worked with to allow me to live the life of holiness I feel called to?