I though that was the most appropriate title for this thread. It involves vows of Church Membership.
Don’t think that I’m really close to leaving my church, but this has been plaguing my off and on for some months. As I more and more want to be Catholic, I’m aware that the time is likely to be coming soon. But don’t hold your breath or spread rumors.
About a year ago, during a church discipline case with some girl in my church, I brought it up to the pastor that since we had been given no written copy of this oath, maybe it would help if he give it to us in some written form. He said that was a good idea, but nothing has been done about it. So, I’m stuck with this practically “unwritten tradition” that I’m scared of breaking!
Any thoughts on this? I’m sure some of you converts from Fundamental churches have been through the same thing.
I though that was the most appropriate title for this thread. It involves vows of Church Membership.
Don’t think that I’m really close to leaving my church, but this has been plaguing my off and on for some months. As I more and more want to be Catholic, I’m aware that the time is likely to be coming soon. But don’t hold your breath or spread rumors.
Ok, when I joined my church some 3 years ago after college, I was required to take an oath of membership to basically support the teaching of the church, desire to obey Christ in love by endeavorouing to keep the 10 Commandments, things like that. Part of my trying to not violate this is manifest in the fact that I don't go around my church bringing up conversations about Catholicism. If I discuss it with anybody, it's because they bring it up and I'm still hesitant and make it clear to them that THEY are the one that asked, and I answer as well as I can. I take this pretty seriously, being Reformed, and I'm kind of afraid to break this oath, yet at the same time, I'm aware that perhaps the only way to truly fulfill it is to become Catholic!!
Any thoughts on this? I’m sure some of you converts from Fundamental churches have been through the same thing.