The Congregation of the Religious of the Virgin Mary (RVM Sisters) was founded in 1684 by Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo, a Filipino in Manila, Philippines. At the age of 21, her parents wanted her to marry but her heart was not for the married state. She sought help from her confessor, Father Paul Klein, S.J., who advised her to go into the Spiritual Exercises to discern God’s will for her. In this retreat she decided to “serve His Divine Majesty” living “by the sweat of her brow.”
Inspired by the universality of the spirit of Mother Ignacia and responding to the call for renewal by the whole church, the Congregation of the Religious of the Virgin Mary long desired to share the RVM charism and ministry with associates. The 18th Ordinary General Chapter in 2006 formally decided to open its door for the laity. Diocesan Priests who have worked closely with the RVM Sisters in their ministries also expressed their desire to be associated with the Congregation.
The RVM Associates are clerics and laity who are associated with the Congregation of the Religious of the Virgin Mary by living her spirituality and participating in her ministries.
Any body who is interested in the RVM Associates may visit the Congregation’s web site : rvmonline.net
Or please write to me. Thank you and God bless.