I’m wondering if anyone is aware of any male religious orders or communities who are not monastic but who have a strong focus on Eucharistic Adoration, maybe doing several hours a day?
This is true. It goes all the way back to Saints Francis and Care. However, if the OP is looking for community level adoration daily like some of the monastic communities do, we don’t do it quite like that. It’ll vary house to house and province to province, but in formation once-a-week community adoration isn’t uncommon, often it’s more depending on the phase of formation. After formation, it’s less frequent, because of ministry schedules and other obligations . That said, every house has a chapel with real presence, and many if not most friars will spent a significant time of personal prayer in the chapel. Community prayer only happens by a couple times a day, but we are supposed to spend considerable more time in prayer on our own. A daily holy hour is quite common, but it’s usually done as more of an individual thing than as a community.There’s a Capuchin Church near me, that advertises 2x daily Holy hours open to the public. I’ve done a quick search on the Capuchins, and Franciscans generally and, at least here in Europe, Adoration seems to be an important part of their Charism & daily life.