Religious Status

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I’d be interested in knowing ONLY your religious status, and if you feel like it what you’ve done with it and why.
Raised nominally Church of Scotland, returned as an adult to High Church Anglicanism, recieved into full communion with the Church 4 years ago. Although Latin rite Catholic, practicies and reading heavily Eastern Catholic / Orthodox!

Don’t like that ‘convert’ term. It’s loaded and not really in use anymore!:banghead:
sorry, these bifocals are no good, I thought you were asking what religious statues I have, and what I do with them, and why, and I could not resist seeing what different uses people have for their statues (other than burying St. Joseph in the back yard to help you sell your house)
second choice of laspe catholic that returned. What I do with it? I try to share my life, and open it up for people to look in.
I’d be interested in knowing ONLY your religious status, and if you feel like it what you’ve done with it and why.
Member of a non-catholic religious tradition - Reformed in particular.

cradle Catholic raised as a Sunday Catholic trying to find the true Faith
I had to pick the ever popular “other”.

I am not a “member” of any tradition…not yet. I’m very careful about where I want to place my “membership”.

I’m a Christian…that’s all that matters, although it would be nice to have a “home”.

Right now, I visit three denominations regularly: RCA (Reformed Church in America), the Roman Catholic Church, and the Foursquare Church.

I’m a fundamentalist Reformed Baptist

But I prefer Christian
I had to answer Cradle Catholic because that’s the only answer that would apply, but through years or growing and searching I just find I am in love more and more with Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Trying to share that love with others.
I’m a Christian-Hedonist and go to an evangelical church
I am a convert to the Catholic Church from fundamentalist/charismatic Pentecostalism. I strive to practice and live my faith every day. I love the Church Jesus Christ established!!! - Mfaustina1 😃
i was raised catholic went to catholic school too. my son is baptized. i wasn’t attending mass but iam back again an you don’t know how good it is,specially now that iam in a protestant bible study that i can wait to finish. thank to this bible study my faith as a catholic have grown an has become stonger. god bless you all
I said cradle-born RC, but changed sui juris Church as soon as was expediant (when i was 20), since the Byzantine Catholic Church was home for me.

In Christ,
you dont have mine, I gave up or am in the process of giving up.
I was yer basic cafeteria/uninformed Catholic until my brother became “born again” and kept calling me to tell me how wrong the Catholic Church was about everything. I came very close to leaving the Church out of confusion, but told the Lord I wouldn’t do anything until I felt a clear leading from Him.

***I began reading scripture and studying the faith. After years of study and struggle, one day, like the proverbial “ton o’ bricks” the Lord revealed to me how the Catholic Church is the church of Matt 16:18, how it is apostolic and infallibley lead to all truth by the holy Spirit. I’ve never looked back. I’m right exactly where the Lord wants me…in His Church! Praise God!!! :love: ***
Cradle Catholic, nominal in my faith for a long time, but always felt God was calling me to closer intimacy with Him. Started going to non-denominational bible studies and gatherings and discovered there’s a lot of bad things non-Catholic Christians like to say about Catholicism. There seemed to be a lot of self-proclaimed experts on Catholicism out there and some tried to evangelize me. I thought, "Why should I walk away from the Church without first understanding why she (she, meaning bride or Christ) teaches what she does. I should ask the Church, not those who are opposed to her. I began to study, the Catechism, bible, writings of saints, apologetics, conversion stories, council documents, encyclicals, etc. I discovered the historicity and beauty of the teachings of the one true Church and fell in love.
I am a cradle catholic & have never left the church—i have gone to daily mass since i was 19 & couldn’t survive without the eucharist on a daily basis. I met my husband who also was a cradle catholic, left the church & came back stronger than ever—we met going to daily mass.
I’d be interested in knowing ONLY your religious status, and if you feel like it what you’ve done with it and why.
I’m a former Baptist who has come into the fullness of the Faith in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic church.:yup:
Im a christian without religious status. Im one of those that believes that christianity is not a religion but a relationship. I believe you will not find anywhere in scripture that says christianity is a religion. 😉
Im a christian without religious status. Im one of those that believes that christianity is not a religion but a relationship. I believe you will not find anywhere in scripture that says christianity is a religion. 😉
There are several definitions for the word “religion”. Guess whether or not you believe Christianity is a religion depends on which definition you are using.

***By the way, I believe you will not find anywhere in scripture that says that Christianity is a relationship. 😉 ***
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