Remarriage Question.

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Until recently, I was a non-practicing Catholic.

I have just returned to the faith after being absent from the Church for nearly ten years. My question is: I was married in a Protestant Church and divorced several years ago.

Now that I have returned to the Church, am I able to marry in the Church? Or will my divorce preclude that possibility.

Any answers will be greatly appreciated.
Until recently, I was a non-practicing Catholic.

I have just returned to the faith after being absent from the Church for nearly ten years. My question is: I was married in a Protestant Church and divorced several years ago.

Now that I have returned to the Church, am I able to marry in the Church? Or will my divorce preclude that possibility.

Any answers will be greatly appreciated.
Unless it can be shown that you formally left the Catholic Church (rather than just stopped practicing) you were bound to the Catholic laws concerning marriage so you had a ‘defect of form’ (I believe that is the proper term) so your marriage would have been invalid. But you still need to go through the formal process of an annulment if you wish to marry in the Church.

As I understand it, this is usually one of the ‘quickest’ kinds of annulments you can get but it will still take time. I recommend speaking to your pastor or calling the office for information on how to proceed.
That about sums it up. They are very quick (60-90 days) as opposed to 9 months to 2 years for a full-blown anullment. Most dioceses require a sheet of paperwork and two witnesses that you never had the marriage convalidated in the Catholic Church.

You WILL need to see a priest about it, though.
You need to talk to your Priest to explain the situation. I was married once before in a Christian Church. I got a divorce from that marriage. A few years later I met my wife and she brought me home to the Catholic church. The church viewed my first marriage as non valid so I was able to marry in the church. Check with your diocese on their proceedures, I had to supply a copy of the divorce decree from the invalid marriage. Yes you will be able to get married in the church but as you also know you will need to take the preparation classes as well. My wife and I enjoyed the classes, I have been a devout Catholic for the last 11 years. Good luck and God Bless You!
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