Norma McCorvey was the Jane Roe of Roe v Wade. Sandra Cano was the Mary Doe of Doe v Bolton, two supreme court cases which gave us abortion on demand.
A lawyer in this article remembers the courage of these two women in attempting to reverse the legal decisions to which their pseudonyms are attached. In the process, he also exposes the shabby and shoddy legal bases underlying these two cases.
“Seventeen years ago, I received a phone call from Norma McCorvey. “I will do anything to overturn my decision in Roe v. Wade,” she told me—and she asked me to help her.”
Continued here
A lawyer in this article remembers the courage of these two women in attempting to reverse the legal decisions to which their pseudonyms are attached. In the process, he also exposes the shabby and shoddy legal bases underlying these two cases.
“Seventeen years ago, I received a phone call from Norma McCorvey. “I will do anything to overturn my decision in Roe v. Wade,” she told me—and she asked me to help her.”
Continued here