Remote cooperation with evil

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on everything I’ve read about remote material cooperation with evil, it always there must be a just cause or proportionate reason for participating.

so how does this square with what we pay for for enjoyment, for example? in fact, that is a common argument by certain prolife groups, that if you use Netflix, or Disney or starbucks, we are potentially giving them money that they later use to support abortion and because it’s just for enjoyment, then it’s never justifiable, hence the calls to boycott. there just don’t seem to be a lot of alternatives, everything single company seems to have this problem, if you start looking in to it. if it’s not abortion, then it’s gay pride, or gender ideology, or terrible working conditions or slavish child labour, ETC…

I’m honestly tired of being stressed about it and having scruples flare up all the time, or being treated like I’m a bad catholic or responsible for the murder of children, I wish businesses would just stick to promoting their own products instead of getting involved with everything else

last thread got closed for some reason, I really do need help trying to process this though
Talk to the mods about why your last thread got closed. You shouldn’t repost it.

I’m sorry you’re struggling right now ❤️
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Companies that fund immoral causes? Moral Theology
A couple years ago, I did some research on this issue for a paper I was writing. I ended up abandoning the paper and choosing another topic because what I found in my research didn’t amount to enough to fill the ten or so pages I was required to write. But here’s the gist of what I found. There’s a rumor that goes around on pro-life websites that Starbucks donates $10 million a year to Planned Parenthood. I looked up the breakdown of what they donate, and found out that this is manifestly not t…
Companies that fund immoral causes? Moral Theology
All of this is to say that one’s cooperation with the evil of Starbucks donating to Planned Parenthood (if they did donate as much as they are rumored to, which they don’t) is so minimal as to not even matter. The kind of cooperation that is morally illicit is that which enables the evil to take place. A .06% contribution is hardly enabling. The bigger issue with companies like Starbucks and Target and others is not how much money you are giving to whom they are donating. Honestly, they can do w…
thankyou, this does help, especially because I know you’re a priest, I am sure you are aware of the problem of scruples and what it can do to a person, I actually have never personally seen anything official from starbucks or Disney about supporting abortion, only what prolife blogs put on the web, and Netflix, well, it was because one of their directors said he was going to find it hard to film in states that had passed abortion laws, I am not aware of them actually gving money.

I don’t feel the need to cancel my substcriptions over that but I could be wrong
Talk to the mods about why your last thread got closed. You shouldn’t repost it.

I’m sorry you’re struggling right now ❤️
The thread was probably closed because the poster has a long history of scrupulous posts, and therefore fell under the CAF scrupulous protocol.

This thread will also likely be closed pretty soon for the same reason.
didn’t even know caf had a scrupulous protocol, and I really haven’t posted anything for a long time, just needed help because this just wasn’t going away, and talking to a priest is a lot more difficult for the time being, due to current circumstances
didn’t even know caf had a scrupulous protocol, and I really haven’t posted anything for a long time, just needed help because this just wasn’t going away, and talking to a priest is a lot more difficult for the time being, due to current circumstances
And has been said again and again, to so many people, CAF, or any online platform, is not the place to address scrupulous concerns because it causes more harm than good.

That said, Fr. Edward has answered, and that should be the end of this question.
didn’t even know caf had a scrupulous protocol, and I really haven’t posted anything for a long time, just needed help because this just wasn’t going away, and talking to a priest is a lot more difficult for the time being, due to current circumstances
Would you be able to email him? That might be the best way to reach him. I think it would also help to reach out to a health professional or a counselor to help you with your scruples. Having more than one person to support you will help, but the support you need is offline. Don’t let CAF become the place you turn to when you need help with scruples; people offline such as your Priest and a therapist are the trained and therefore the ones you need to trust.
hence why I haven’t posted on caf for a long time, trying to limit my exposure to potentially scruple-inducing things, though not too many theologians have tackled this issue in recent times, though if even father said it’s a complicated thing in moral theology, then I guess I am not going that crazy, also find myself having to distance myself from a lot of prolife stuff because of things like this
I have Amazon Prime video I share with my girlfriend and her family and I use my girlfriend’s Netflix which she also shares with her family. I see no moral issue with using these tv services.

So far I’ve watched: Monk, House, Dexter, SVU, Grey’s Anatomy, and multiple movies and originals to the platforms.
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