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you just tell them. it may come down to a choice between your father and the Church.

Welcome to Catholic Answers Forum, and welcome to the Holy Roman Catholic Church! 😇

We have many threads that discuss topics that likely will cause you the most pause. Archived threads may be accessed by clicking the magnifying glass and following prompts.

Rather than worry about acceptance by your family members, especially since you live in distant states, I suggest that you first become as expert as possible in one faith before studying another, rather than confuse yourself with two opposing faiths at the same time.

We have many, many converts here on CAF, from all types of belief backgrounds, so ask away, and we’ll try to help you on your quest. 😇
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Did your father give you a good Christian foundation? Did he speak to you about his faith during your childhood?

I think you would do well to show him that you care for your relationship by having a heart to heart. Right?

And depending on how close you guys are, you might be able to let him know you are sincere and care alot about your relationship.

As far as how to express it, it should be as organic as possible. We shouldnt put words in your mouth, of course. But I do try to encourage converts to keep it pretty simple initially. Meaning do not get caught up in different topics and debating. There will be time for that. But let the initial talk not be a debate.
I still want him to be ok with it.
He may never be OK with it. Just because you want him to doesn’t mean he will be.
So does anyone here have any advice?
Be kind and understand that your father likely feels he failed somehow or that he is responsible.

So you can reassure him it isn’t anything he said or did, and it’s not rebellion against your upbringing. This is where your faith journey is leading you and while he may not like it, you are asking him to respect it.
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With no fear and with truth and honesty just know that they will still love you.
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