Renewal, Rooted in Prayer

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Greetings to everyone in Christ!

I only recently found this forum, and I am very happy to discover the “spirit” here - thank you,all.

My concern, and my apostolate, is renewal in the Church. The Pope has been pointing us toward renewal, and urging us toward renewal, in almost countless ways throughout his pontificate. I am saddened to continue to find so much verbal assent to his call, but so little “full, conscious and active” participation along the actual road to renewal.

Perhaps the greatest obstacles to renewal are the lukewarm hearts, and the poorly formed minds of the members - we seem to not know that we do not know, nor do we seem to care too much about it anyway. Meanwhile, our culture grows colder, and harder, more callous and less human.

My conclusion is that we must come into communion with Christ, and have our own hearts changed - renewed - consecrated and committed in ways worthy of disciples and followers in His holy name. We must become people of prayer.

St. John Vianney said that prayer is nothing else than this: union with God. Without this blessed union - the union of prayer - our efforts remain on the surface. Without the rich soil of prayer, the fertile seeds we try to sow remain barren, and our fruitfullness is wanting. Without the communion of prayer, catechesis remains on the surface, the grace of the sacraments remains only partially received and held, the Catholic moral life appears to be only hard rules and not life. To live Christ we need to become a people of prayer. We need to grow in prayer; we need to find that personal blessed communion with Christ in prayer.

We need to have teachers or enablers of prayer in parishes to help the members grow in prayer, in reverence, in worship. We need holy priests and bishops to shepherd us, and we need to become disciples - perhaps foundationally, we need to grow in prayer.

Greetings to everyone in Christ!

I only recently found this forum, and I am very happy to discover the “spirit” here - thank you,all.

My concern, and my apostolate, is renewal in the Church. The Pope has been pointing us toward renewal, and urging us toward renewal, in almost countless ways throughout his pontificate. I am saddened to continue to find so much verbal assent to his call, but so little “full, conscious and active” participation along the actual road to renewal.

Perhaps the greatest obstacles to renewal are the lukewarm hearts, and the poorly formed minds of the members - we seem to not know that we do not know, nor do we seem to care too much about it anyway. Meanwhile, our culture grows colder, and harder, more callous and less human.

My conclusion is that we must come into communion with Christ, and have our own hearts changed - renewed - consecrated and committed in ways worthy of disciples and followers in His holy name. We must become people of prayer.

St. John Vianney said that prayer is nothing else than this: union with God. Without this blessed union - the union of prayer - our efforts remain on the surface. Without the rich soil of prayer, the fertile seeds we try to sow remain barren, and our fruitfullness is wanting. Without the communion of prayer, catechesis remains on the surface, the grace of the sacraments remains only partially received and held, the Catholic moral life appears to be only hard rules and not life. To live Christ we need to become a people of prayer. We need to grow in prayer; we need to find that personal blessed communion with Christ in prayer.

We need to have teachers or enablers of prayer in parishes to help the members grow in prayer, in reverence, in worship. We need holy priests and bishops to shepherd us, and we need to become disciples - perhaps foundationally, we need to grow in prayer.

Thomas…great post and just in time for Lenten consideration.

I’d like to add a few thoughts from the homilies of the Pope and a few priest friends of mine.

According to John Paul II, we need to have a collective focus as well as an individual focus.

The Pope has requested that every parish become a school of love, by living the spirituality of communion as he does.

Every day each of us should be one day closer to being able to say with St. Paul
.“It is no longer I who lives, but Christ who lives within me”.
Every day the Kingdom of God should become more visible in our parishes. As in the days of the early Christians, the phrase,
“See the christians, how they love one another”,
should be heard stronger each day as together and individually we strive to become saints because anything less than that is far too little.

We all know that Jesus alone, is
“…the Way, the Truth and the Life”
and we all should know that the Catholic Church alone has the authority to Teach that Truth.

We have Jesus’s New Commandment, the commandment par excellence to show us the Way, to show us Him,
"I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another.

This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." John 13:34-35
As we sincerely strive towards union with God, we need to have before us always, the Way as Jesus Himself shows us :
"Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. " Matthew 7:21
“You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, mind, soul and strength and your neighbor as yourself”
Dear Thomas,

How can I express adequately the deep zeal and passion your post inspires in us? We are catching your fire, thanks be to God!

Now that it is ignited, what steps have you taken that would help us to “go and do likewise?”


Dear Thomas,

How can I express adequately the deep zeal and passion your post inspires in us? We are catching your fire, thanks be to God!

Now that it is ignited, what steps have you taken that would help us to “go and do likewise?”


Hello Carole,

Thank you for your encouragement. The Lord said to ask in order to receive, to seek in order to find, and to knock in order to enter. He is so generous, and patient! And if I may say, “eager” to ignite the fire in us - as He himself was “constrained,” so His work remains constrained until we become ignited in His Sacred Heart:
Lk 12:49 "I came to cast fire upon the earth; and would that it were already kindled!
Lk 12:50 I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how I am constrained until it is accomplished!
His life must be deep in us! To the very core and heart of us. We need to find Him, and meet Him, in prayer.

The path is well laid out - we need to walk in it. I wrote an introductory book of traditional Catholic spirituality, offered to the Lord for the work of renewal. From that, and from Him I believe, a second book came that showed that the entire journey to Christ is “enfolded” so to speak within the prayer He gave us, the Our Father. The traditional three stages, the seven mansions, the dark nights - all is there, in the Our Father.

If we could learn to pray this prayer rightly - and enter the mystery of this prayer, and live this prayer, we would become people of prayer - and perhaps God will use us. This is my hope.

Thank you - we all need to do what we can do, “while it is still day…”

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