How do you repare someones reputation that you damaged through the spreading of a secret, though as far as you know the secret is completely truthful?
the truthfulness of the secret is beside the point (except in a court of law), you are guilty of the sin of detraction if you published the secret, except in the obvious case of reporting sinful or criminal conduct to the appropriate church or civil authority. Even such reporting does not give you license to publish the secret to all and sundry.How do you repare someones reputation that you damaged through the spreading of a secret, though as far as you know the secret is completely truthful?
I presumed that you had already gone to confession. That’s why my suggestion that the best thing may be to speak kindly of the person whenever someone mentions them so that at least their name will be mentioned in a good light. You certainly do not have to go back specifically to everyone you told of the secret. But be ready to speak a kind word about the person when you can.I have already gone to confession for this sin.
Question: If you stole $5 from me… later, felt sorry and went to confession to ask God’s forgiveness… is your confession good enough, or would you think returning the $5 be required…I have already gone to confession for this sin. I did not publish this secret, I told three people, and I told them not to tell anyone. The secret that I told was about a very grevious sin committed by the wife of a close friend. It was my friend himself who told me about this in the first place. I do not know if she has repented. I now realize that I had no place to tell others about this secret.
Perhaps you could go to those three people and tell them that when you reported whatever it was you told them, you had a limited view of the matter and that you were completely mistaken.I have already gone to confession for this sin. I did not publish this secret, I told three people, and I told them not to tell anyone. The secret that I told was about a very grevious sin committed by the wife of a close friend. It was my friend himself who told me about this in the first place. I do not know if she has repented. I now realize that I had no place to tell others about this secret.
You did “publish” the secret–to three people over whom you have no control. If they each told 3 more people after being told not to, and so on, the publication becomes pretty extensive.I have already gone to confession for this sin. I did not publish this secret, I told three people, and I told them not to tell anyone. The secret that I told was about a very grevious sin committed by the wife of a close friend. It was my friend himself who told me about this in the first place. I do not know if she has repented. I now realize that I had no place to tell others about this secret.
Dear NickI have spoken to the three people that I told the secret, and I have asked them to PLEASE not tell anyone else, and also that I had no right to tell them in the first place. So now I have decided to let the matter drop, because I have concluded that I have not caused significant hardship to my friend and his wife by revealing this secret. I think it is just best to leave it alone.
Why did you feel that you had to tell anyone? And how would you feel if this were about you?? Or someone near and dear to you?I have already gone to confession for this sin. I did not publish this secret, I told three people, and I told them not to tell anyone. The secret that I told was about a very grevious sin committed by the wife of a close friend. It was my friend himself who told me about this in the first place. I do not know if she has repented. I now realize that I had no place to tell others about this secret.
Affirmative. Somehow, I think the world will never need fear that Nick will ever break a confidence again as long as he lives! Godspeed.I have spoken to the three people that I told the secret, and I have asked them to PLEASE not tell anyone else, and also that I had no right to tell them in the first place. So now I have decided to let the matter drop, because I have concluded that I have not caused significant hardship to my friend and his wife by revealing this secret. I think it is just best to leave it alone.