Report: as they decide such issues, Toronto Catholic School Board interrupts Catholic from reading the passage in the "Catechism of the Catholic Churc

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Sounds like Toronto Catholic schools are not allowed to be Catholic.
“You’re reading from the Catechism? Sit down and shut up!”
Always liked him, hadn’t heard much from him in a while. He used to speak on EWTN a while back, his talks were very nice.
“You’re reading from the Catechism? Sit down and shut up!”
This exactly what happened when I went through RCiA. The class leader took heterodox positions on contraception, reception of communion, and our Sunday obligation, saying they were all “matters of individual discernment.” When I pushed back saying the Church teaches clearly on these she told me to be quiet. The next week I brought in photocopies of the Catechism to handout she grabbed them and said “When you get a Masters in Theology, you can teach the class.” I was stunned and stayed quiet. From then on the priest attended as well, clearly with the intent to silence me.

I called Fr Pacwa on Catholic Answers radio and asked home how to proceed when they were clearly teaching contrary to the Church. He told me to keep my head down, get confirmed, then get a degree and take over her job.

This kind of stuff is real. And it happens in small towns too.
Well, next time you see her, tell her another MA of Theology (me) says she should retire…
Seems like sometimes the more educated people become in theology, the more they think Church teachings are up for dispute. It’s strange.
Seems like sometimes the more educated people become in theology, the more they think Church teachings are up for dispute. It’s strange.
Thank goodness, not always.

But yes I think in every field, there’s a not-insignificant number of people who either:

A.) commit some kind of authority fallacy where they think having a credential now means their opinions can help shape reality (and they get lazy about showing their ideas to be justified by the facts and an external standard); and/or

B.) people who learn how to ‘critique’ an idea or find nuance in it – and then mistakenly think that’s what being clever is: critiquing things to death and finding endless nuance in things that actually are quite worthy of praise and have clearly defined boundaries.

Again though, there are still good’uns, who stay both humble and clear minded. The Catholic Answers apologists come to mind.
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There are certain things that are open for argumentation and speculation that the Church has not completely defined as of yet. In that case both sides of the issue should be presented and discussed.

However, the issues that @Suudy mentioned are well defined and have been for awhile. I really do not understand why someone would present these as open to individual interpretation.

Seems like sometimes the more educated people become in theology, the more they think Church teachings are up for dispute. It’s strange.
As Dr Peter Kreeft noted (see here):
Intellectuals resist faith longer because they can: where ordinary people are helpless before the light, intellectuals are clever enough to spin webs of darkness around their minds and hide in them. That’s why only Ph.D.s believe any of the 100 most absurd ideas in the world (such as Absolute Relativism, or the Objective Truth of Subjectivism, of the Meaningfulness of Meaninglessness and the Meaninglessness of Meaning, which is the best definition of Deconstructionism I know).
I can’t find the exact quote, so I’m paraphrasing, but he put it more succinctly as “Some ideas are so absurd, only a PhD would believe it.” Which is a paraphrase of a comment attributed to George Orwell: “There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.”

Or an even better one I stumbled on while looking for the actual quotes and sources, this is from D.E. Navarro:
The tunnel under the wall of intellectual snobbery is the only way back to common sense reality. But most won’t find it because it is beneath them
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Next time they should read what Scripture has to say about homosexuality.
Nobody answered my question. Did the school give a response to the Cardinal?
Nobody answered my question. Did the school give a response to the Cardinal?
I haven’t been able to find that out. I’m curious as to what the school has said/ will say, too.
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The usual response…name calling and re-education camps

Trustee Ida Li Preti made her request at Thursday’s stormy meeting of the Toronto District Catholic School Board (TCDSB), during which the cardinal’s private but widely leaked letter provoked debate that yet again highlighted the group’s fundamental division over Catholic teaching on homosexuality and transgenderism.
In these attacks against the Church we need to point out that these are teachings of Jesus as opposed to saying ‘Church teaching’ or ‘Catholic teaching’
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