Report: Protesters burn Bibles during Portland demonstrations

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We live in a secular world where many have burnt the Word of God from their hearts. This is just an outward expression of that.
“A video that showed protesters with “Black Lives Matter” signs tossing Bibles into a raging bonfire. The video, which has gone viral, had more than 1.8 million views and thousands of retweets.”
I’m not surprised. It would be nice if people stopped pretending it’s about racial equality.
Hello all,

seems like a lot of people in the media and with in these groups conducting themselves as they are, are really ignoring this action and the blaring similarity of Nazi Germany . Quite troubling that they are ignorant of their own actions, don’t care, or are more than willing to escalate into these similar ideologies of that era.
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In the US, the same Constitution that allows me to go to Mass on Sunday allows others to burn Bibles.
Now hang on, not only did this remind me of the Nazis burning books in WWII, Anyone remember one of those wars/ conflicts in the Middle East… I would have to some digging on the internet to pin it down, but I remember the US Military had to remove Christian / Catholic Bibles from Troops that brought them, and in one instance I am positive a pile of em were burned in public though I can’t remember if it was on a military base or what, but it was done to appease the local Muslims is what I generally remember of it. This thread kicked that memory up plus I remember it being mentioned by a priest in a homily I heard during that time, can’t remember the homily just that he brought it up in trying to incorporate it into the homily. Also, Following that directly, Anyone remember that guy some where in America, that was adamant about burning Qurans in retaliation , and it became such an uproar that his threat, reached to where ever it was in the Middle East that PRE-Retaliations were in the works if he did, and then in turn I think politicians and even military officers were publicly asking this guy not to do it because it would endanger troops. An it seemed as if he was going to go through with his demonstration but i think the day of, or day before, he either got cold feet or had enough of being threatened that he backed out.
In the US, the same Constitution that allows me to go to Mass on Sunday allows others to burn Bibles.
Granted it falls into " Freedom of Speech" so does burning the American Flag, it is definitely a double edged sword. The problem being, it is socially acceptable to burn anything Christian and Catholic Bibles. Socially acceptable on both sides of the political isle. An sadly it is becoming socially acceptable to burn the flag in America.
gotta take the bad with the good sometimes
I may have to take it, But I don’t have to take it laying down. I can at least vote for Trump in Nov and go down swinging with my vote an hope he wins. The left for me has gone beyond too far. To the point that I am caving in and buying two firearms by the end of the year for self defense.Personal and home/ I am grateful their hate hasn’t spread into my town; but I do not want to get caught with my pants down if it comes to my area.

I guess I fall into that category / cliche of " Guns and Religion ". God save my soul and Smith and Wesson save my rear.
But one is a peaceable assembly and another one is destruction, getting together to destroy what is meaningful for others
It is becoming very difficult to grasp.
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I wonder how mostly middle class (privileged!!!) white people burning Bibles (along with facilitating the transmission of SARS-CoV2) help African Americans, the vast majority of whom are Protestant.

And no, I’m not arguing it should be illegal for the privileged white protesters/rioters to do that (unless the Bibles are stolen). Just pointing out their inability to think.
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. It would be nice if people stopped pretending it’s about racial equality.
The Black Lives Matter protests are about racial equality. The bible burning is about some people hating Christianity.

Please don’t let the Christ-haters turn us away from seeing the truth in Black Lives Matter, or the injustice practiced by law enforcement.
Please don’t let the Christ-haters turn us away from seeing the truth in Black Lives Matter, or the injustice practiced by law enforcement.
BLM is just another tool for the left to manipulate simple minded people into playing the race war game, and while law enforcement has its’ problems those same problems were still very relevant during the Clinton and Obama years, both of which ignored and considered not a problem by that party as whole. It only became a problem to use once the left realized they were losing at using COVID 19 against Trump. An now too this move to blame law enforcement on Trump is going to back fire as well.

It is even more sad to not see the Pope on international news demanding for the violence to stop in these cities. Granted he might have mentioned it for a minute some where, but it was obviously not plastered on all major news networks. An even if the Pope spent 10 minutes addressing just the violence aspect of what is going on and why it needs to stop, the lefts media outlets still might not give that air time.

More over, if racism is so prevalent in America and has been so terrible for so long, why hasn’t the Church been more vocal about it. An that is sarcasm because the level of racism that left wants Americans to believe exists in America is just a flat out lie. It exists no doubt. Just not at their levels of insanity. Plus in todays world, it is beyond easy to defeat racism, social media has become a very powerful weapon you get someone on video, or record your reaction to some corporation mistreating you on any grounds, slap it on the internet, and people and corporations get taken down fast, if not with in a day if it turns out to be really gross in nature. Thusly making these manipulation groups pointless. An all done with out one protester on the street or one building being burnt down.

An protesting is great, when done peacefully and civilly, what is even better is I am not forced to participate or watch them as I have better things to do with my life than fall into those games.
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The truth was far more mundane. A few protesters among the many thousands appear to have burned a single Bible — and possibly a second — for kindling to start a bigger fire. None of the other protesters seemed to notice or care.

Yet in the rush to paint all the protesters as Bible-burning zealots, few of the politicians or commentators who weighed in on the incident took the time to look into the story’s veracity, or to figure out that it had originated with a Kremlin-backed video news agency. And now, days later, the Portland Bible burnings appear to be one of the first viral Russian disinformation hits of the 2020 presidential campaign.

Read full story:

In the US, the same Constitution that allows me to go to Mass on Sunday allows others to burn Bibles.
…but you weren’t allowed to attend Mass earlier this year, and many are still not allowed to do so. The protestors, however, have faced no such restrictions.
My Bishop made the decision to suspend public masses. That is his descretion. This was not a legal matter

People in my state were always “allowed” to attend their worship services.

One has nothing to do with the other.
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Many bishops around the world were forced to suspend the Mass by those in government. That is a legal matter and very relevant to your claim that the Constitution has protected our right to attend Mass.
The truth was far more mundane
As it is so often. But hey, if there’s a story going around that paints whoever you consider to be “the bad guys” in a worse light, people will run with it. I guess research and facts are for snowflakes. ☹️
The truth was far more mundane. A few protesters among the many thousands appear to have burned a single Bible — and possibly a second — for kindling to start a bigger fire. None of the other protesters seemed to notice or care.
It doesn’t somehow make it okay if only 1 or 2 Bibles were burned.

It’s still a hateful thing to do.
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