I’m working with my pastor on an outreach group focused on lapsed Catholics. Each week, we’ll be reading the coming Sunday’s Bible readings and talking together. The purpose is to bring people who have stopped coming to mass (or joined other congregations) back to the Church.
Has anyone had experience reaching out to lapsed Catholics? Any advice on the best approaches to recruit such people? Please, your personal stories would be very valuable. What works? What doesn’t? What are the most common complaints that lapsed Catholics have about the Church?
Here is something you may wish to try. It’s a short Catholic invite to return. Just leave in on the doorknob. Very little cost and easy to distribute.
For Catholics who may want to renew their faith again in Jesus.
Are you missing “He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood lives in me and I live in him.”
Remember your first holy communion, your closeness to Jesus. It can be that way again, you can come back to him and receive him again in your heart and experience his peace.
Even if you have had several marriages, it might be possible.
We want to help you find him again, and to work things out.
Just give us a ring and we will take it from there.
Our phone number is 999-999-9999, just say you would like to talk to Father about a personal matter.
This has an informal tone.
It appeals to what catholics value the most…Holy Communion, peace.
It assures them that they will have Father’s help.
It is pointed at catholics.
It is simple to read and unclumbered with info they don’t need to start off.
Of course you would need Father’s approval.
I would also suggest that parishoners are asked for 3 Hail Marys a day for one month to pray for the grace that Catholics respond to the invite. They could do this by handing in their initials on a piece of paper in the collection. And are told that this does not bind them under sin if they miss.