Required confession before baptism

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From everything I have read it is clear that it isn’t required to go to confession before being baptized upon the completion of RCIA. However, our priest is requiring that all in the class go to confession including all catechumen. 🤷 They are distributing tickets to be turned in by one of the 13 priests tomorrow night at our parish confirming that you did in fact go to confession during Holy Week.
*He said let the priest know that you are not baptized. *
*What do I do? *
*Do I still go the process of an actual confession but without absolution? *
*Has anyone else had to do this? *
*Thank goodness I just found on another search and article “how to go to confession” from iqb. 👍 I wasn’t even clear what the process was. *
Are you sure the priest said this is a requirement for the catechumen?

Perhaps your priest graduated in the bottom 10% of his class because this is just wrong…

Even the follow-up with the papers is counter to what our parish priest states … The confessional is such that a priest cannot even ask another priest if you made a confession or not … the confessional seal and all …

We tell our catechumens that they are welcome to attend the parish reconcilliation service to observe the liturgy and use it as a tool of discernment [in preparation for the renunciation sins and baptism] but they are not to go to confession …

If you do go [tell the priest you are going to be baptized] and use it as a discernment session only …

Welcome home 👍 Enjo the vigil and if you can plase attend the Triduum [Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Vigil]
From everything I have read it is clear that it isn’t required to go to confession before being baptized upon the completion of RCIA. However, our priest is requiring that all in the class go to confession including all catechumen. 🤷 They are distributing tickets to be turned in by one of the 13 priests tomorrow night at our parish confirming that you did in fact go to confession during Holy Week.
*He said let the priest know that you are not baptized. *
*What do I do? *
*Do I still go the process of an actual confession but without absolution? *
*Has anyone else had to do this? *
*Thank goodness I just found on another search and article “how to go to confession” from iqb. 👍 I wasn’t even clear what the process was. *
I think it would be a good exercise to follow he Examination of conscience, You will not need to go throught the motions of a “fake” Sacrament. Just get in line, go to the priest, hand him the ticket and tell him that you are unable to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation because you are not Baptized but that you appriciate him being there. I fhe were to press you to tell him your sins. Simply say confession of sins is a part of the Sacrament and I can’t receive the Sacrament, thank you again for being here, good night.
Are you sure the priest said this is a requirement for the catechumen?
Yes, quite certain we have had two rehearsals and have been reminded of the requirement numerous times over the past 4 weeks.
Even the follow-up with the papers is counter to what our parish priest states … The confessional is such that a priest cannot even ask another priest if you made a confession or not … the confessional seal and all …
I have been told that the follow up is not an uncommon practice in the NE 🤷 Dunno.
If you do go [tell the priest you are going to be baptized] and use it as a discernment session only …
Maybe chat about my spirtual journey over my RCIA process 🤷
Welcome home 👍 Enjo the vigil and if you can plase attend the Triduum [Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Vigil]
Thank you!! We will be attending Mass every day this week. I just feel the need. Something in me says go, so we are all going. 😉
I think it would be a good exercise to follow he Examination of conscience, You will not need to go throught the motions of a “fake” Sacrament. Just get in line, go to the priest, hand him the ticket and tell him that you are unable to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation because you are not Baptized but that you appriciate him being there. I fhe were to press you to tell him your sins. Simply say confession of sins is a part of the Sacrament and I can’t receive the Sacrament, thank you again for being here, good night.
Here, here!

I have heard of this oddity before, I am sorry to say. But it was a few decades back.

Any sort of record-keeping for the sacrament of confession is rather verbotten. Even though parents seem to love to have little certificates made for “first confession” it really isn’t supposed to be handled in that fashion… So the whole ticket thing throws me for a loop.

Brother’s advice is good… hand in your ticket, ask for a blessing, wish him good night. Don’t be cowed or brow beaten into going through the motions of confession - there is PLENTY of time for that after baptism.
The Catechumens in my RCIA class simply met with Father Richard individually while the rest of us had our first confessions. They went through the examination of conscience with all of us, though, which I thought was important even though they weren’t going through reconcilliation.

I’m very happy for you! :extrahappy:
Ok so we went…
*The church was full. I was surprised. The little service started at 7. We waited for three hours to see a priest. We were the last few to go. *
*I didn’t see my parish priest. *
He was a happy pastor… very old. When I sat and told him I was not baptized yet and he just asked me a bunch of questions like, “How has your journey been?” “Tell me about your family.” “How did your journey home start?” Stuff like that. He made me smile. He said that there should be more mom’s like me who stay home with their kiddos and care for them… something very uncommon around here. So Congrats to all of you other SaHM’s 👍. After our little chat he blessed me. Overall it was a good experience.
We were told last night at class that all of us that are unbaptized will have to go to confession Saturday after Easter Vigil practice. Our Priest wants us to know what it’s like to go to confession. I don’t quite understand why we have to go tell all of our sins that day when that night we will be baptized. 🤷
I Think pastors in both examples are trying earnestly, if a bit off base, to solve a common problem, which has been brought up on this forum before, that the newly baptized somehow miss catechesis on confession and examination of conscience, and are never brought to their first confession.

I am quite sure in the case of the first priest is intent was to help the catechumens as they were guided through the examination of conscience in the penance service to learn that essential spiritual tool, and that the priest hearing confession know quite well what to say to a catechumen before baptism. the intent was to ease their nervousness about the sacrament by a walk-through, and will good intent it did lead to confusion as OP relates.

the record keeping is explicitly forbidden by law in this diocese for this sacrament, simply because having cards or certificates has been abused in the past.
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