The good news about ethically unproblematic stem cells keeps on coming in.
times.hankooki.com/lpage/tech/200701/kt2007012317475111810.htmA team of South Korean scientists has grown pancreatic beta cells, which can help treat diabetes, from stem cells taken from the umbilical cord blood of new born babies.
The team, headed by Prof. Kang Kyung-sun of Seoul National University, Tuesday announced they had differentiated stem cells from cord blood cells into ones that secrete insulin.
The exploit will be featured by the Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, the U.S.-based weekly that documents breakthrough papers in biotechnology.
We converted cord blood stem cells into pancreatic beta cells, which creates insulin, a substance that when it is missing can cause diabetes," Kang said.
This is arguably the first tangible advance in the study of the cord blood stem cells, with which so many scientists compete to make progress