Thanks for the responses. I’m really looking for religious education resources, not criticism.
Perhaps that did come across as criticism. And, in the moment I was probably being critical. So, let me apologize. But it came across as you being very critical of the religious education program without much in the way of facts.
BUT, let me also point out that religious ed is about 1 hour a week. In that one hour, you can’t expect teachers to teach everything or kids to absorb everything. And, just because your kid doesn’t know who St Paul is, that doesn’t mean he wasn’t taught about St Paul in religious ed. I can tell you from my own experience being a teacher for over 20 years in religious ed-- kids just don’t get it in the class. You HAVE to be parenting the faith 24/7 just like you parent in other areas.
For example, a group of kids I taught for 3 years-- I kept the same group from junior high into high school then handed them off to my husband who teaches confirmation-- answered “we never learned about that” to something my husband asked the kids. Um, excuse me-- I taught that every year for 3 years repeatedly, over and over. Virtue, Grace, Sacraments. It’s enough to make you want to slap them. These kids honestly could not remember from one year to the next what we’d gone over in class. I’ve seen this over and over. And, as an educator by trade-- it’s not just in religious ed. For whatever reason, kids today in general seem to lack knowledge about a lot of things.
So it’s not enough that they did a lesson on St Paul in 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th grade, your 8th grader might still say he’s never heard of St Paul. You HAVE to be talking about the faith at home all the time, living it, breathing it, or these kids are just not going to get it.
As for resources, I suggest:
Footprints of God videos by Steve Ray.
The Great Adventure or T3 Timeline or Encounter (jr high) bible study by Ascension press (actually, all the teen bible studies by Ascension press).
These are video based and pricey. If you can afford to buy them, great. If you can’t contact your diocese and see if they have the videos in the lending library.