Update on games for 8th grade RE class…
Bought this
‘googly ball’ from Walgreens to use for a basket game. The ball was a big hit with the kids. It’s tickly and squishy, light and doesn’t bounce around much. I didn’t bring that out until after our lesson though.
Because I have kids from four different schools, with one ‘clique’ of about 4-5 kids coming from one school I wanted some sort of team building game so I found one on the web which worked really well. It was a ‘guess who’ type game where each student wrote three things about themselves they figured no one else would know down on a 3x5 card. I put the kids into 3 teams and collected all the cards. I read one clue from team 1 and teams 2 and 3 had one of those small dry erase boards to write their guess down (they love those things!) as to whom the clue belonged. If team 2 and/or 3 got it right they got a point, if not, team 1 got the point. I offered to stop 3 times, thinking they weren’t liking it, but they insisted on continuing. At the end I read each card’s 3 clues and let everyone guess/remember to whom it applied. That warm up helped them play the ball game later.
The ball game was the standard: answer a question right and get a chance to shoot for a point. I’m using it to drill them on commandments, sacraments and beatitudes. We’ll add other vocabulary words later.
After that game was done they asked to play Silent Ball where they stand in a large circle and toss the ball to each other in silence. If you miss the ball or talk, you sit. It helped pass the last 5 minutes of the class.
I love the idea of using the ball as an icebreaker to get the kids to think of themselves as a “team” or “group.” I sub a lot in local schools, and I’ve seen teachers use a ball many times to bring the group into the task-at-hand: Learning sacraments, commandments, beatitudes, etc. It makes it exciting and fun to learn - thanks so much for your insite and the info. you provided on where to get the googly ball. I didn’t think about it until you mentioned about it NOT bouncing too much - I like that idea! Thanks again!
“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.” Colossians 3:15,16 NIV