Respect Life Sunday!? No mention in our Homily

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I was hoping that at least on Respect Life Sunday we would hear some kind of hint that our parish cares at all about the biggest social justice issue of our time; Abortion. Instead, we got the usual discussion about the injustice of the haves v. the have nots.

I too support economic social justice causes, which is not hard to say in Seattle, since it is so PC to do so here anyway. I just wish we could hear our pastor say something about our truly most vulnerable social justice victims; the unborn.

Please pray with me that all Roman Catholic churches in America will develop solidarity with the rights of the most vulnerable of our community.
Our priest mentioned it!! He also twice mentioned the Life Chain, which our church participates in each year.
My English-speaking Novus Ordo parish, under a new pastor, is fortunately carrying on the tradition of holding a special pro-life prayer vigil consisting of Saturday evening Mass, Living Rosary, and procession in honor of Our Lady of Fatima for Respect Life Weekend. People from other parishes join us, including representatives from the Blue Army and Knights of Columbus.

Father Jasny, an admirable priest who is the spiritual director for the Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima in the Cleveland Diocese, was invited to be a guest homilist. He gave an intensely pro-life sermon, pointing out that the first person to publicly recognize the coming of the Messiah was an unborn baby … John the Baptist leaping for joy in his mother’s womb when Mary came bearing the unborn Christ Child to visit Elizabeth.

We were all encouraged to sign a pledge card promising to say one or more rosaries to end abortion today, October 2. According to Father Jasny, over 100 million people in 40 countries have promised to say the rosary for this intention.

~~ the phoenix
It was definitely a major theme of the homily at my parish today - and not just the topic of abortion, but also euthanasia as well.
Youth Group led pro-life living rosary after the youth Mass today, we had enough participants to make a whole “rosary” plus a lot of extra folks. However no adults of the parish came to 2 scheduled planning meetings for pro-life education activities.
Didn’t hear a word about it at St. Augustine church in Glastonbury, CT.
Not one word… nor was it mentioned in the bulletin!:mad:
DITTO!! I haven’t gone to mass at our parish in months for reasons like this, but I checked the website. No mention in the bulletin, or the homily!! 😦 There was also no mention of the Life Chain events or the huge Eucharistic Procession hosted by our Diocese! :nope: (Which was incredible, by the way! 👍 )
When silence is so conspicuous, does anyone else wonder if it is intended?

I pray that more of the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church in America will stop obsessing over sexual liberty and join the cause to stop the blitzkrieg on the family, unborn and weaker among us.

It is sad to see such comfortable complacency at such a critical time in our history. God have mercy on us all.
When silence is so conspicuous, does anyone else wonder if it is intended?

I pray that more of the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church in America will stop obsessing over sexual liberty and join the cause to stop the blitzkrieg on the family, unborn and weaker among us.

It is sad to see such comfortable complacency at such a critical time in our history. God have mercy on us all.
Very well said. In my parish, St. Mary’s, Ballston Spa, NY, it was mentioned in passing in the homily. The Prayer of the Faithful/General Intercessions asked us to pray for the protection of life from “contraception to natural death” (I kid you not.). However, in fairness, Birthright had a special program going on outside church after Mass. Kinda sad, through, that we can’t hear about it from the pulpit.

Our pastor keeps apologizing for the election of Pope Benedict. That should give you some insight into why it wasn’t mentioned in the homily.

We pray each night that the Holy Sprit guide our religious back to the fullness and truth of the Church (because as it stands now, we’re throwing it away with both hands.)
Father Paul mentioned it in his homily, but just barely. In fairness though, we did have a speaker who spoke very eloquently against embryonic stem cell research, euthenasia and abortion, and who encouraged everyone to attend the life chain as well as make donations to our parish’s Respect Life ministry. Our Respect Life ministry had a table outside the church selling tee shirts, bumper stickers, lapel pins, etc-- all with a strong pro-life message. They also had petitions for Florida State Constitutional ammendments barring public funds for embryonic stem cell research and same-sex marriage.
The Life Chain was well publicized for several weeks in our bulletin, as well.
So, all-in-all, I think my parish did a good job of it, as usual.
Our bulletin had a mention that abortions are down, information courtesy the CDC and a research affiliate of Planned Parenthood, I can’t remember the name. Seriously. 😦
Our deacon preached and quoted Cardinal Keller from the USCCB…I think he said he was the chairman of the pro-life activities…He also referred to our late and current pope’s current statements on the respect of all life from the womb to the tomb…
I know some people wiggled in the pews…but I think overall, the congregation was grateful to hear it spoken about…particularly about stem cell research and the church’s stand on it. We need to hear more.
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