Responding to sex scandal comments

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My father is a non-christian who has been to the baptist church one time recently. I am praying the rosary and chaplet of divine mercy for him. I want to talk to him about the Catholic church, but the only time he makes a comment it is “heard about another priest today that they found kiddie porn on his computer” and a snort with a head shake. I am at a loss as to what to say. I can’t defend the priest, but I would like a non defensive response. Any suggestions?
Dont be shy. Open up to him about the subject. Let your dad know as horafide by the news is it is for him ; as Catholics it hurts us all the more. Share about all the Good Preasts we know and how much that news must make them feel outrage and mad. Remide him of how as a man he gets mad at out the lowlifes who rape women and act like a slime ball. Let him him know we wisf for the prests who stumble in this area of sin to get help and to never be put in such a postion of trust again. 👍
I agree with the above reply 100 percent. I also believe that the church will rise even stronger from this scandal. My faith in the Catholic Church has grown tremendously especially during this time. See under the Answer Guides titled “Scandal in the Church”. The following quote of Fr. Roger Landry from this site: "Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, one of the greatest Catholic preachers in American history. On a couple of his tapes for priests’ retreats, Bishop Sheen said that he preferred to live in times when the Church has suffered rather than thrived, when the Church had to struggle, when the Church had to go against the culture. It was a time for real men and real women to stand up and be counted. “Even dead bodies can float downstream,” he said, pointing that many people can coast when the Church is respected, “but it takes a real man, a real woman, to swim against the current.” Princz23, may God guide you in your battle to win your father over to the one true Church.:yup:

Heres what I say to people who like to make uneducated knee jerk comments about ALL Priests…

So, taking your so called “logic” you have NO CHOICE to believe the following:

If a few bad cops use excessive force or break the law themselves…that makes ALL Police scumbags

When we hear about a few teachers having sex with students…that makes ALL teachers sexual predators

Because there are doctors who perform abortions…that makes ALL doctors murderers

and because an overwhelming majority of Lawyers and Politicans appear to be “on the take” we must assume they are ALL no good… after all.its much easier to NOT use our common sense then to actually THINK about things now and then

Knee jerk reactionists need to be QUICKLY dealt with…from my experience talking nice nice and soothing with them…doesnt work…I’m a Iron Fist in a velvet glove type when I defend my faith…meaning, I dont shout or get angry (usually) but I dont hold back worrying about the TRUTH hurting someones feelings…I tend to use Irony.
Dont be shy. Open up to him about the subject. Let your dad know as horafide by the news is it is for him ; as Catholics it hurts us all the more. Share about all the Good Preasts we know and how much that news must make them feel outrage and mad. Remide him of how as a man he gets mad at out the lowlifes who rape women and act like a slime ball. Let him him know we wisf for the prests who stumble in this area of sin to get help and to never be put in such a postion of trust again. 👍
I agree.

Also ask him how many catholic priests there are in the world? (100,000’s) Then ask him how many are sinners? (all of them) Then ask him how many are abusers (<5%). Then using local events if he watches the news, ask him about school teachers and preachers and abuse. It occurs everywhere in small numbers.

The Church is for sinners striving for sainthood.
Faithful 2 Rome:
Heres what I say to people who like to make uneducated knee jerk comments about ALL Priests…

So, taking your so called “logic” you have NO CHOICE to believe the following:

If a few bad cops use excessive force or break the law themselves…that makes ALL Police scumbags

When we hear about a few teachers having sex with students…that makes ALL teachers sexual predators

Because there are doctors who perform abortions…that makes ALL doctors murderers

and because an overwhelming majority of Lawyers and Politicans appear to be “on the take” we must assume they are ALL no good… after all.its much easier to NOT use our common sense then to actually THINK about things now and then

Knee jerk reactionists need to be QUICKLY dealt with…from my experience talking nice nice and soothing with them…doesnt work…I’m a Iron Fist in a velvet glove type when I defend my faith…meaning, I dont shout or get angry (usually) but I dont hold back worrying about the TRUTH hurting someones feelings…I tend to use Irony.
this really goes along with speaking the truth in love. (i am being a little sarcastic).
I like the idea of pointing out that a few “bad eggs” don’t spoil the whole bunch. The abuse is a sore spot in my heart because I counsel women who are in prison and many were sexually abused as children. They have turned to drugs to ease their pain. I guess since the priest is Jesus during parts of the Mass and in the confessional, I just have hard time accepting that Jesus or his representative here on earth would do these things to innocents. I understand that they are human and therefore will sin. Maybe that is my real issue, not defending the Church to my father. I will check out the subject on Thank you for your words of wisdom.
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