Responsibilities of Diocesan Priest?

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Dear Catholic Answers Forum,

I’m in the process of applying to a Catholic seminary, to study to be a diocesan priest. For a speech class I’m currently in, we’re asked to compose a speech, concerning a career that interests us.

Thus I wanted to ask this forum, what are the major responsibilities of the diocesan priest?

God bless,

I would think that if you look around your parish, read your parish bulletin, and attend mass frequently you should be able to guess at about 75% of what a diocesan priest has to do on a daily/weekly/monthly basis.
Diocesan priests mostly (but not exclusively) look after parishes. This obviously involves saying mass on Sunday (but also on weekdays) but the responsibilities in a parish also include meeting with couples preparing for marriage and with families preparing for a funeral (these often come up at short notice) overseeing sacramental programmes (1st communion, confirmation, baptism), hearing confessions, taking communion to the housebound and sometimes working as chaplain to a parochial school. On top of this there’s the administrative side of parish life - meetings with the parish council, finance committee, liturgy committee, sacramental programme leaders, and meetings with the other priests of the deanery (local area).

Some diocesan priests also have specific roles instead of / on top of parish ministry such as hospital chaplaincy or diocesan responsibilities.
All true what In The Pew wrote. I would only add that deacons help take some of that load off of diocesan priests, i.e., witnessing marriage ceremonies, handling funerals, counseling those to be married, RCIA, etc.
I wonder what priests or deacons who post here think if that video. It seems a lot like what I see some of our priests do, but we have retired priests too. Does such a video exist for permanent deacons? I’d be interrelated in seeing that as well.
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